Bitting One's Tongue
There are many annoying parts to being a SP, but one of the most annoying is that you have to bit your tongue so often. If not for ST and a few close “tell anything” friends, I might have bitten clear through my tongue long ago.
SD recently turned 18 (Yipee!) and DH and MIL have been planning a family birthday party for the coming weekend. If you want the long saga, feel free to read my previous blogs, but the short story is SD has mostly written off DH and this side of the family due to a blow up about her grades and flunking school. We have hardly seen her for the past 3 years unless it involved gifts for her and even then she would only show up at last minute or after several cancellations. She doesn’t show up for the birthdays or life events of others in the family.
Due to my facebook snooping on SD, I have known for about a month that SD would be out of state for a 3 day rave concert the weekend DH and MIL were planning SD’s party. I also have discovered a much older boyfriend that works at a head shop making glass pipes, evidence of drug use, lots of attendance at rave concerts, and a mysterious house arrest (crime unknown). None of which I have felt I could tell DH or MIL about because often in a SP dynamic, it is the messenger that gets shot.
After a family discussion on Mother’s day, it was finally decided that if DH didn’t get confirmation by Thursday of SD’s attendance, the party was off (thanks in large part to BIL saying he was tired of SD not caring about anyone else and didn’t want to blow his weekend if she couldn’t confirm—love that he can say that but I can’t!). So DH went all out with text, email and calls trying to confirm party. SD finally left a message last night that she can’t make the party because she is going to CA on Thursday and won’t be back until sometime in June.
Gee, I wonder what this means about the her chances for graduation from high school which have been very uncertain since we don’t know if she ever made up the classes she flunked. Kind of hard to miss the last 4 weeks of high school and still graduate… DH is a teacher (in a different district) and has pretty quickly jumped on the fact that this likely means SD is dropping out and not even going to attempt to finish high school. In our state you have to pay child support through normal and expected graduation or 18 whichever is later. I’m not sure if we can get CS terminated now if she drops out, but DH will likely have to arrive at that one on his own because if I suggest it while he is dealing with the fact his daughter is a high school drop out… well the whole messenger getting shot thing kicks in.
Interestingly DH called MIL to tell her the news and what he suspected about SD dropping out. Then asked that I not tell anyone in my family or my circle of friends/coworkers. On one hand I know DH views SD as his personal scarlet letter, the misdeed he can never undo (BM was a few week fling, never married, said she was on BC) and that despite every effort will always be a grain of sand rather than a pearl. SD has become BM: a HS drop out, a moocher and manipulator, selfish, and into a dangerous lifestyle. So I get that he wants to burry that part of himself and not have to show the world his shame, but on the other hand, people in my life know SD exists and when they ask what she is doing or how it is going with her, I’m not going to lie and say everything is sunshine and puppies. I don’t feel the need to take out an ad in the paper proclaiming SD is a drop out, druggie, selfish, manipulating little stinker, but I’m tired of DH expecting me to bury her bad behavior and hide it as he does. When do I get to stop biting my tongue? She is 18, responsible for her own behavior, not some little kid that needs to be coddled. Seriously look what that type of behavior led to. Perhaps if the adults in her life had called her out on bad behavior earlier and made it known, she wouldn’t be heading to CA to ditch school now!
- brutallyhonest's blog
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He's just worried about being
He's just worried about being embarrassed himself. Not her.
I feel for you with your SD. You are a great example of staying out of things and I bet its helped you and your DH. It would be so hard not to tell them. She's in high school doing all of this stuff, that is just crazy.
I was embarrassed to tell people when SD moved out because I was so excited and made such a big deal. Only to feel stupid. So now when people ask I just tell them to ask her dad. When its just someone I know, I tell them, oh she moved back to her moms, I don't see her much.
So maybe you could just say, I don't know, I don't see her much.
Well after 4 yrs of being a
Well after 4 yrs of being a stepmother I have adopted the KMS policy.
Because no matter what I say about skids it's taken the wrong way and you become the bad guy.
So true! And what you don't
So true! And what you don't say! If you have no comment then something is wrong, if you say what you think its wrong.
I would get migraines from tensing up and inhibiting NOT talking. This is why staying away helps. I don't have to hear the dumb crap that is said and not responded to by SO.
It is actually her own
It is actually her own birthday party she canceled. No SD= no reason for an SD b-day party. I like the in-laws but since we were just there for SIL's b-day and mother's day, I don't feel the need to spend another weekend there just for fun, I've got other things to do at my own house. The cancellation is not a surprise, last year she canceled her own party with DH's side of the family 3 times before finally showing up on the 4th party date. Those blogs are a fun read if you are bored!
I'm with ya', I hate having
I'm with ya', I hate having to bite my tongue but have done so many times. It was really bad when they would come for summer visitation, because they had everyone walking on eggshells with their bad behavior. I will let DH ramble about what selfish, trampy,highschool dropouts they are and try not to add too much to the conversation. I think if I started, I probably wouldn't be able to stop! }:)
Snickersgal - From what I understood, the party was for SD not another family member.
As far as the CS, I believe since she is 18 and I am sure you can prove that she dropped out, you could get the CS dropped.
Good Luck!
I have scar marks on my
I have scar marks on my tongue and my eyes tend to roll up and freeze that way as well.
I thought of the school
I thought of the school website, but unfortunately we don't have her student number or the account password. We tried to get the web info at the time SD started to flunk classes, but BM resisted and then changed the password when we did finally get it. I called the district and asked what our options were regarding how we find out her academic status. Reply was they will only give info to the custodial parent or with court order. Neither of those is likely to happen/work in our case. I'm trying to find someone with a kid in that high school to see if I can get some intel. My other option is to show up at graduation and ask for a program and see if her name is on the program with the class.
Realistically, we know her graduation status was always iffy at best and taking off for the rest of the month thru her what would be her graduation date just confirms she isn't graduating.
I learned from the State today, we can terminate CS if we can get documentation she has dropped out, but getting that documentation will not be easy since only SD and BM can release the info we need without a court order and have no incentive to do so since it will cost them the last month of CS. I doubt DH will be willing to go the court route and give time/money/pain but to me it is the principle of the thing. Just another example of how I would do things differently if I had the power to do so.
I learned from the State
I learned from the State today, we can terminate CS if we can get documentation she has dropped out,
WOW! wish NYS had this policy. CS is mandatory no matter what till 21. And i'm sure the Behemoth will ask for it beyond that citing "special needs" that SHE created!
I agree that is definitely
I agree that is definitely one of the worst parts of being a step-parent is biting your tongue. I've been a SD for four years now and I completely understand where you are coming from. It's very difficult to bite your tongue when it seems like you are the only person who sees what is actually going on and the BP chooses to ignore or overlook these things.
One thing I have learned though the help of a counselor is that it is unhealthy to keep everything bottled up. Even though you do it out of love and for the sake of your marriage because you don't want to be the mean, evil step-parent...for your own sanity sometimes you have to say something. Remember, YOUR emotional well being is just as important as everybody else's. When I was keeping my mouth shut, I found that my stress level was increasing as well as my blood pressure. Sometimes the message has to be heard, even if it means the messenger gets shot in the process.
If it weren't for biting my
If it weren't for biting my tongue, my FDH & FSD would think I was the most rotten, raging bitch in all of eternity!!!!!![Smile](