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Drama Train about to arrive...

Last-Wife's picture

Princess 19 will be home from college in 5 days. She decided not to go to summer school, and to get a job at a local tourist attraction.

To prepare for her arrival, I spent the day cleaning her room on Saturday. We had pretty much taken over her room as a storage/office space. Oh, and I'm making sure I have my happy pill prescription filled! I haven't needed them in almost 9 months, but I spoke to my doctor this week, and he said it would be a good idea to start taking them again to help with anxiety as she moves back in...

Loghead was going to see her today, on his way to his part time job. He was going to take her some empty boxes so she could spend time between finals doing some packing, and on Monday evening, he will bring those boxes home. She will bring the rest of her stuff when she comes home Friday.

He admitted to me this morning that he is afraid she wont go back to school in the fall. He said he talked about it with the people he car pools with (nice- them first?) and has decided that if that is the case, he will allow her to live here, but she will have to pay rent and make payments on groceries, laundry and utilities. I was impressed he had thought this out- I'll be even more impressed if he followed through on it if the need arises.

He asked me if I knew she'd practically moved in with an older guy she met while at school. I didn't know he knew about the guy... I had had my sneaking suspicions that when she had her flip out in January that there was more to the story. Her first boyfiend really damaged her when they broke up back in October. I'm not sure on all the details, but I know she has had a very rough year, and most of it has grown out of drama she has created herself. She doesn't really communicate with me much, and I have picked up on many things through Facebook. Her visit home at the end of March was the closest we've been in almost a year. Then when she was back 2 weeks later, getting her braces off, she was back to being closed off again.

I had learned she was dating a student, almost 26 years old, and this was before she even turned 18. I'm sorry, there is only one thing an almost 26 year old MAN needs and wants from an 18 year old. And I think she was broken enough, and in a deep enough depression, that she has continued to make poor decisions.... Now Loghead seems to think she is practically living with him?

Loghead says he is going to talk to her tomorrow, and lay down some ground rules for the summer. he says he is not going to simply let her come and go as she wants; he wants to try to keep her away from her BM as much as possible; she will have to help out around the house and help care for Gibby around our summer work schedules. (As soon as school is out, he and I both have part time jobs where we will need to pick up extra hours and money. My job is 30 minutes from here; his is clear across the state, working on a building project.)

I want to have a good summer with her. I'm trying to keep an open mind. But the last 6 times we've communicated have not ended well... When I saw her over Easter, I knew she was lying to me and my parents, and she was doing a very good job ov avoiding every single question we asked her.


Kay2's picture


I wouldn't make her too comfortable if you want her to go back to school in the fall. I don't know if I would give her a bedroom for just the summer.