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Auteur's picture

So much for one night, ONE NIGHT of peace and quiet.

Godsgift just called. He's finished the first day of his two day class two hours away and he's decided he's NOT GOING TO STAY OVERNIGHT, but do the two hour drive back home!!!!


I'm sure he heard the disappointment in my voice!!

Methinks he thinks I'm fooling around on him or something!! UNREAL!!


marissamae88's picture

Sad I have had that feeling where I think I am going to get peace and quiet and then .............i dont. sorry

stepmasochist's picture

Oh bummer! I would think though that if he thought you were fooling around, he wouldn't let you know he was heading home.

I can totally relate to you looking forward to the night of peace. I very much enjoy an occasional evening with the house all to myself. Just think, the sooner you give him the boot, EVERY night will be a night of peace.

BellaMia's picture

UGH! Don't you hate when that happens? Sorry for you... Try to enjoy the last few moments though. (hugs)

StepX2's picture

Another possibility...he won't really come back tonight but just wants you to think he is. This would cover:
1. If he thought you were cheating
2. If he thought you were overjoyed to have him gone.

anapr's picture

First of all, thank you for explaining what GG is! I've been reading your blog for a while and could never figure it out..

Second--I'm so sorry about your antici-pointment. That's what I always call it when I'm looking forward to something and it falls through. I totally understand you wanting a night to yourself--it's especially sucky to think you're getting it--then find out late in the game you're not!

I wouldn't guess he thinks you're cheating...he's probably just insecure about your relationship right now. So if he thinks you want him gone, he's going to be there, just in case!

Auteur's picture

LOVE that term, antici-pointment!!! May i borrow it?

Ok here was his story. He got to the check in counter and they asked for his debit card. Apparently the employer didn't give him a CC number to "hold" the room with. One of the managers at his work is a total ditz (but knows enough to dump men who have children after a few dates; props to her)

Well he wasn't about to put a $200 hold on his debit card (didn't have that kind of loot anyway) So he said the room wasn't worth it and so he decided to go home.

Unfreakingreal's picture

THAT is so gross for a grown man not to have 200.00 available to him if he needs it. Uggghhh... He's not my man and he annoys the crap outta me.

Auteur's picture

That's b/c all his money goes to the Behemoth in CS!! He earns maybe $15 an hour and she takes $1000 net a month.

Once again, I am the breadwinner in my third relationship with a man. . .(sigh)

It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't BITE THE HAND THAT FEEDS HIM!!!

foxxystep's picture

What a total disappointment, and you were really looking forward to having the night by yourself. And to make it worse, he probably got there, tired from the drive, and you had to cater to his needs. Ouch.

skylarksms's picture

Grrrrrrrrrrr - nothing worse than not getting any peace from the guy except THINKING you will and then having that hope dashed...

Butterflykissesandlicks's picture

I remember that feeling- UGH. It is like feeling like a free kid and then, BAM! there they are AGAIN!!!!

Methinks GG loves to still control....gag*