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I can not believe im saying this!

newmom01's picture

Hello everybody....its been a week or two since i have been on I was busy giving birth to my second and last son!! So for those who come to the site on a regular might be familiar with my issues with ss's 9 and 8 not really with them its with thier mom not wanting them to come over.....if you are lost just go back and read my old posts...but anyway they came over sunday for a few hours and it was GREAT!!!!! What? Did I say that??? I made red beans and rice, sweet potatoes, pot roast, green beans, and blue berry muffins (I like to bake) I really did not know they were coming honestly....the old DH pulled a fast one! but counselor tells us dont stress yourself over things you can not change! EX: his kids they are not going find the best way to manage things, grow up, and be the best sm you can be .....and since my DH and I have two sons of our own now, it feels good to have a house full of hungry men looking to me to hook them up with good cooking....the oldest one ate two plates!
Im speaking for myself....I think a lot of my issues came from me not having kids and getting married and turning into an instant parent (without really being able to parent...if that makes since), and my DH telling me to take our time to have kids, but wanting me to love and cherish HIS kids! But once we had our own it made it easier for me to treat EVERYBODY the same we are one big family......I hope this change in my attitude stays..... Im glad things are looking better for us


starfish's picture

that sounds great!!! congrats & good for you, hope the new attitude stays, too!!

i do think a lot of my resentment is due to the fact that i have no bios, but am still expected to think skids are the only reason the world goes 'round... :sick:

i'm still trying to get a handle on this one:

"dont stress yourself over things you can not change! EX: his kids they are not going find the best way to manage things, grow up, and be the best sm you can be"

i understand it, i just can't do it.

alwaysanxious's picture

I like this one too, but its hard. I am working on changing the way I manage things though. Not sure if I care to be the SM anymore. Parenting them has been an uphill battle.

stormabruin's picture

I'm glad things are looking better for you too. Smile

It sounds like you're jumping right back into life from childbirth, & it sounds like you're jumping right into a sweet spot! Congratulations on your new attitude & your happy home. Smile