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Finally getting the ball rolling...

MommaXs2's picture

DH and I met with a CS Enforcement Agent this morning to show her all the paperwork and evidence we had that SD12 is living with us full time and that BM is still receiving all the CS taken out of DH's check. The agent called the Family Court office and got validation that a modification had been filed, so she went ahead and began the process for CS Redirection which should take effect on May 1st. I finally feel like the court system is working on our side for a change.....Now if we could just get Family Court to hurry up and set a date for the Modification Hearing we could be in good shape.


Auteur's picture

Yeah it usually takes six months after filing here in NY for the first date. And if it's for a downward mod, the BM can stall as many times as she likes by getting continuance after continuance!!

In NY, MA and CA getting a downward mod is like finding a unicorn. It just doesn't happen, even if you can PROVE that you are CP biodad and SM!

Wishing you much luck!

MommaXs2's picture

She signed a paper saying she was giving DH and I all custodial writes. The Court system here in WV is usually pretty fair especially since we can prove SD12 has been living with us with no contact from her mom for over 20 days. CS Agent was trying to get us to file Child Abandonment Charges since BM is the custodial parent by law and has had no contact with her for that long, but we said all we want is the child support redirected back to us so we can actually afford to care for SD12 and when we get our hearing then the CS Agent will decide on what support should be paid to us. There is no doubt we are getting custody and will get child support at this point it's just a matter of when the Family Law Master can fit us in for a formal hearing...