every hour of evey day there's something! (vent!)
I am so tired of always being on edge just waiting for notice of how SD's are going to impact my evenings! I'm sick of having to bend to the point of breaking to make allowances for DH to placate these SD's! And dare I say a word, I'm being selfish and critical and immature and "out to get" these "darling angels"!!! :O Are you EFFEN kidding me? There's always a "need" (a.k.a.=want) from the SD's, and there's always a half-baked story to go with it from one of the SD's and daddy dear always beleives the story and feels a need (aka=guilt) to jump to serve. And guess how these "needs" are voiced?? Private text to daddy... Guess how I'm TOLD about them?? An email where he's already made the decision and is explaining the story to me and justifying his choice. I have NO say in it and if I reply with anything other than "okay", I'm a no good very bad evil person for not wanting to also placate the "needs" of his beloved spawn, and I get to hear the wisdom of his decision and his jump to defend the request of his darlings. And if that wasn't enough...guess what happens if my biokids need anything?? Oh, I just can't type any more! I'm gonna scream! (deep breath)
This post makes DH sound horrible, but this is the ONLY thing we fight about. In ever other way, he's amazing - but this is about to kill me on the inside. How can he be so super amazing in every single way and so very bad with this one thing that it tips the scales and makes me this upset?
If you've read my other stuff today...yeah, we're going to be talking tonight - and I hate that I had to get this p.o'd before getting the nerve up to talk??!!!
Wish me luck y'all. (please) I am going to have to do a lot of thinking so I'm not like a bull in a china shop...It's gotta be just right so he will hear me and listen and we can have a real conversation.
- manicmom's blog
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Well good luck ....I really
Well good luck ....I really like this site up until a week ago I knew i was not the only woman in the world going through this, but I did not know it was this many...It makes me feel better knowing that im not selfish or evil ...some of the stuff my DH does is just not right.... and without all of you i would have just continued to be confused about my feelings ..... I see a lot of these men just want us to love thier kids, i understand but dont just dump them on us! give us time and give the BM boundries right off so she knows her place ....The husbands always want the wives to bend over backwards while the BM does and gets whatever she wants
I really wish I could
I really wish I could disengage ilovearizona!
That would be sooo nice.
I have a little, but with him about to deploy, it's going to be ME dealing with them when he leaves, so we have to work on this before he leaves so it's not as bad as it was last time. And we are a close family so when he decides to run across town to pick up one darling in the middle of the evening, it delays other plans or makes me have to work late, or wastes a ton of gas, when the plan was for her to have a ride home if she decides to stay after school and not ask for these favors from "daddy" in the middle of the day that he's just all to happy to jump to serve wihtout regard for everyone else being impacted. And these texts go to him in the middle of the day at the last minute attached to some really stupid teen logic that he just falls for and passes the crap along to me and expects me to fall for it too. And like you said, newmom01, he expects me to just love these little monsters??!! These creeps who manipulate my man and rob me of my sanity and have me eating cold dinner that I now cook alone and skipping the gym and having no down time at all and making me late to work and having to work late to make up hours and running all over town and costing me money and taking up my time and honestly just ruining me and my biokids' relationships?? Who the hell other than their blood-relatives COULD love them? They are even crappy to thier paternal grandparents! They are rude to me when I'm nice to them. They are rude to my BD16 and BS12 when they do kind things for them. They just expect to be catered to! And it's honestly my DH's fault for feeding this behavior. Uh, I'm just so on edge with this today! It's been building for way too long!
Once again, dtzyblnd's advice
Once again, dtzyblnd's advice is SPOT ON and I agree with it 100%!! Especially the very last paragraph of her reply to your post.
***Milomom standing up applauding!!!***
Please listen to what she is saying to help you!!!
"I think these guys get into a pattern of pushing us to do what they want, because we tend to want to be the peacemakers and love everyone. So we try harder to make everyone happy" YES!!! So we DO these things to SHOW OUR LOVE!!! (suckers - lol!).
"And these men get all pissy (Editor's note: or in your case, verbally mean, cruel and abusive) when we demand respect and our status as partners and parents." YES!!
Stand up for yourself, your basic rights and needs as a human being - and for the RESPECT that you deserve!! Don't be AFRAID to REQUIRE these basic things from your DH! I don't mean to sound like a "hard ass" - because IRL I am a nice, happy, funny and sweet person - but I have learned that I will only be treated the way I ALLOW myself to be treated - and it's the BEST LESSON TO LEARN AND PRACTICE EVER!!
If you don't stand up for yourself, who will???
Man o man do I feel empowered
Man o man do I feel empowered now!
Yall are awesome. I am imagning some type of inspirational theme music playing in the background during a conversation I'm going to have with him now. (Hopefully reality doesn't have me crying on the couch tonight...)
Being a sucker and a peace keeper and a pushover haven't done anyone any favors - other than DH, so it's going to stop. Thank you ladies... I am just hoping for the time wihtout interruptions to have this conversation now...and an open heart and mind from my DH.
Good luck!!! Keep up the
Good luck!!! Keep up the courage to last well after the talk. Sometimes you start to second guess yourself after you get his reaction. DON'T. Remember, you can have just as much say as him.
I hear you. I never know what
I hear you. I never know what to expect from my SD14. Everyday there is something. She's a me me me person. One thing I have done is disengage from my SS20 and SD. I no longer care what they do and where they go. I know this sounds pathetic but its the only way to keep me sane and content with life. I am estranged from SS because I just totally do not like the guy. Lately my DH has been giving in with everything his daughter wants. I just learned not to care and I am now concentrating on myself. I will no longer allow to let these kids get to me.
(I just posted this in
(I just posted this in another place, and not really knowing if y'all would see it too, I'm putting it here as well. You all helped me so much yesterday!)
Just so ya know, I really honestly took in all that everyone had to say to me yesterday, and know that if you take the time to reply, then I should take the time to read and heed the advice...and I did. I'm not one to get offended with the truth. It may hurt, but if it's the truth it's helpful in the end.
Last night, I had a myriad of things to talk to DH about...issues with the kids, boundries, deployments, etc...etc...etc...but I took time to figure out what the root issue was, and after reading the replies and doing some soul-searching; it's the fear. And trying to figure out why it's there.
Well, it took me until after 8pm last night to get up the nerve, but we had been running errands and doing some stuff around the house, and he'd asked me several times (as he had over the past few days) what was wrong and I just didn't reply. So about 8:30, we had been working on planting a garden and it was a cool clear night, and I sat down on a chair in a little sitting area in the garden and we were smelling some herbs (yeah, it was a pretty nice night!) and I just blerted it out... "I'm afraid of you" He didn't react. He just stood there and looked at me - blank. So I went on to say, "I'm your wife and I should be afraid of you. It feels like you try to intimidate me with your responses when I say things you don't want to hear or don't agree with. It's not healthy. I used to be able to talk to you without fear, or at least just ignore your anger, but it's gotten to a point where I don't feel I can talk to you about any issues at all any more. Do you want me to fear you?" He replied "No" in an even tone and that was the only response I got out of him. He said he wanted to go in and get changed so we could go to the gym. We went to the gym and he just chatted about the normal stuff - work, plans, blah, blah, blah...I though he was just digesting what I'd said and he would say something later. So after the gym, while we were making the kids' lunches, and while we watched "Justified" on tv...nothing, just chatter. I thought he'd say something while we were getting ready for bed...nothing. Maybe before we go to sleep...nothing. During this time, he held my hand, he put his arm around me, he put his head on my shoulder, and he held me while we fell asleep - all was very normal. I just don't really honestly know what to do. Sometimes, when we chat, he doesn't respond until later - until his words are together with his thoughts - and that's okay with me b/c I don't want an off the cuff response...but later has to come! And other times, he just takes action on what I've mentioned to him and proves that he heard my request...so maybe that's what will happen this time?? Time will tell I guess. Because we do have a lot of daily things that we need to deal with...together! Like the skids and attitudes and his coddling and permissiveness - and we have to do it sooner rather than later so we have time to work on things before he deploys. I'll give it till tonight after all the kids are in bed, and then I'll bring it up again.
But truly, from the bottom of my heart - thank you all for your responses and encouragement and support yesterday.
Cool article, thanks. I like
Cool article, thanks. I like this: "The secondary emotions give you a picture of the person's mental processing of the primary emotion."
What I was trying to do with DH was not just fling everything at him and start a war on about 5 fronts simultaneously. Figured the most productive way to fight those battles was WITH him vs. against him, and the thing that's stopping that is his intimidating ways. We could, should, and have been on the same side before, we just need to get back there.