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Everything is a contest with FSD9

KatDarling's picture

This seems to be a common theme, SDs making everything a contest with SM, constantly competing for Daddy's attention. UGH. It annoys me to no end and I try to stay out of it but FSD9 just loves to jump in and one up me.

For example ...

My FDH and I were joking that I never drink enough water and that I will soon start sweating Diet Coke. I told him that he would be thrilled that I had four whole glasses of water that day. FSD9 just screams from the other room, "I had TEN glasses of water today!".

We were all playing arcade games and after scoring a difficult point I got really excited and started jumping up and down. FDH hugged me and immediately FSD9 grabbed the last ball out of hand, shoved me out of the way and attempted to hit the target.

In reality it's sad that she views me getting a hug as a threat to her father's love for her but on a day to day basis it's just REALLY annoying.

Anyone else have similar stories?


secondplace's picture


SD12 pretty much in tears because I was holding "Daddy's" hand and she wanted to.

This is finally wearing off though.

jojo68's picture

Oh Yes...I have a 10 (almost 11 yr old)yr old fsd that sees me as a rival for her father. It is probably the most difficult thing about being in this relationship. It's what happens when Daddies treat their daughters without distinction to their wives (with the sexual exception of course). Your children are not your equal. They should learn from you, grow from experiences with you, admire you, and look to you for guidance. A spouse is your other half...the one who makes you whole...they are your equals. Children and spouses do not have the same roles in your life so they should not be treated the same but because these children are brought up without boundaries, they think they deserve the status of an adult in the home. I is sad that a little girl views her father's wife as a rival...I know in my case, I would feel completely different about my fsd if she didn't do this and I believe it is the reason that she doesn't see me as a mother figure (her mother is barely in the picture)

hismineandours's picture

Maybe this is a father/daughter thing? I have never really felt ss was jealous of ME-perhaps the other kids-especially my ds who he is close in age to.

starfish's picture

i'm not sure if my sd thinks everything is a contest or she just believes EVERYTHING should be about her??