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THANK GOD skids are going home today!!!

somerg's picture

So thursday i had to go get sd's and only get to see 30 min of my dd's softball practice Sad . but in a way i kind of felt a bitter sweet taste of revenge towards the oldest.

she has been lying for over a year (covering up her original lie) long story, ready previous post if you need details. bm finally see's it and (((CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE))) ACTUALLY APOLOGIZES TO US!!! :jawdrop:

so we get to the house and explain to her due to all the lies, she is grounded, phone is gone forever (dh told her if you're lucky you might get it back this year) i corrected him and told him that i bought the phone therefore if bm wants her to have one, she'd have to buy and pay for it.....she will not have one on my dime. or the one i myself bought.

so sd is crying "poor me allegator tears" and FINALLY dh and i said at the same time "cry it to the river cause it's not working this time". and she is apologizing LEFT AND RIGHT and dh READ MY MIND me and told her, we'll believe you're sorry when we see it.

So she was "stuck" being our "cinderella' all weekend (chores or to bedroom) so yesterday she asks, "am i going to be grounded tomorrow too since it's monday?" OF COURSE SD MONDAY IS NO DIFFERENT. so then she yells..........."BUT I CAME TO VISIT YOU, NOT SPEND ALL THE TIME IN MY ROOM!"

dh tells her, "then you should've thought about that before making sm look like a jackass in front of your mom." :jawdrop:

thanks for letting me get that out there, they are still there with dh today, but work saved me from the mess of sd, and will have dh and dd all week to myself for spring break Smile i'm a happy camper now


somerg's picture

thank you!

he does pretty good with that, and i'm glad to say that he is not blinded by them and their faults....i dont' know if this is good thing or bad thing, but he is actually closer to MY dd than to his own; but i guess you can only take so much crap from ANYONE before you're finally done and sd 14 has DEALT A HUGE AMOUTN OF DOWN RIGHT SHIT to both of us