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SD pushing me over the edge

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My situation is a little different than most. My husband of 17yrs had a daughter 21 years ago. The BM made it clear he could not have anything to do with her unless they got married. My husband would not marry her and when she had the baby she did not put his name on the birth certificate. He did check with an attorny and dna test would be required for him to proceed. The cost back then was $800.00 and attorny fees. This is no excuse for walking out of her life but trust me he would not have been a good father at that time. BM married and her husband adopted SD. She turned 21 and contacted my husband. This had to be the most stressful time in my life. She made herself out to be someone she is not. My husband could not see it and we battled for months over this. She lies, plays on my husband guilty emotions,
and is a self centered spoiled brat. My husband has finally woke up and now can see what I have been telling him all along.
Here is the problem, about every few days she has another major life issue. She is nothing more to me right now but a life long problem. Even though my husband is seeing her for who she is, we have to deal with her and had nothing to do with raising her. Top it all off I never bargined for this. I knew of the posibility but demanded a dna test. I knew BM and she was something else.
We have full times jobs, 3 kids and I feel she is barging in on our life. I have to say if she had a different personality this would be so much easier. Has anyone been though this before? I wish I did't look at her like a stranger but I can't help it.
Any advice?