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To be fair

patient but frustrated's picture

Ok Ok to be fair to my boyfriend...I showed him what I wrote (I hope I didn't break a cardinal rule) and he couldn't believe that no one wrote anything in his behalf! He is a good man. I do believe he loves me and we are going through a rocky time. He does treat me well. There are things that my ex never did for me that he does and he does things I never dreamed a man would do for a lady. Some of those examples are he fixes my coffee every morning...with my 2 blues and 1 pink sugars...he wakes me up to drink coffee with him before he goes to work. He does dishes and laundry. He takes my car and puts gas in it. He sends me cute cards and letters and even at work will spend as much time in his day as possible talking to me on IM. He encourages me in my hobbies...making soap and candles....and is even working on a web site for me as my little homemade business is growing quickly. He can be affectionate too which I really like. He also is stubborn and wants his way a lot. I sometimes think though he really doesn't put much effort in trying to understand me and can be a little demanding. But on the flip side to be fair, I am sensitive and can be emotional... but i am more willing to compromise and like to play the peacemaker...none of us are perfect. Most of the time we try to work as a team...but these things happen between us when things aren't in a constant uproar...lately this has been the case and the good things get stressed to the max especially to me.