Stupid Note.
This is the note DH woke up to this morning from SS…Exactly as it reads…
You owe me $60.00 for gas from last week. I also need lunch money and will be filling up gas again today so you owe me for that to.
I had to LOL at this. For years, DH always talked about how awful it was for parents to buy kids cars and then pay for gas. How would NEVER spoil his kid like that! Bwahhahaha.
DH has paid for SS’s gas and insurance for over a year. When I said he was a hypocrite he said he was not, he just changed his mind since SS moved in. haha. He is a hypocrite about A LOT of stuff since SS moved in full time. Kinda makes me angry and amused at the same time.
I looked at DH this morning while reading that note and said…” I really think you should stop paying for so much gas for SS, it is absurd for an 18 year old to get an “allowance” for absolutely nothing, but existing”. Gave him a kiss goodbye and went on my merry way to work. Lol.
Funny how DH used to talk about how bad of a parent BM was because of the way she spoilt SS. DH is 10 times worse than BM. Makes me wanna yak.
- Willow2010's blog
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I agree Foxie!! I am 25 work
I agree Foxie!! I am 25 work full time and take 5 classes at a University! It can be done it is just called LIFE!!! Oh and deal with 2 kids of my BFs whom drive me insane most of the time!
Actually Foxie, he works
Actually Foxie, he works about 10-15 hours a week. He buys games and fun stuff. DH pays for everything else.
He needs to use some of his
He needs to use some of his money for not so fun stuff your DH needs to cut him off
woah 10-15 hours a
woah 10-15 hours a week...hope he doesn't hurt himself working all them hours!
just kidding
Crayon I have 5 more months
Crayon I have 5 more months and SS is in the military!!! Yay for me. Yayayayayaya
ALSO notice...not a please or
ALSO notice...not a please or thank you at all in that note! I would have woken my son up with that little chalk board note over his head.
I would have told him " Di
I would have told him " Di you leave a note this morning? The cat peed on the chalkboard."
And if you don't have a cat I would still insist the cat peed on it.
Why the heck does this young
Why the heck does this young man feel his dad OWES him anything!?