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So we "reconciled" first...

thelaststraw's picture

And then we talked about what she was thinking when she came home all pissed off.

She opened it up saying that it really hurt her that I took away our time spent exercising together since that constitutes "alone time" to her. We don't interact when kicking our own asses in spin class, so I don't see the connection part, but then again, I'm a guy and while I think it's cool that we do that together, I don't attach emotion to it. I'm not seeking understanding on that one, but I can accept it.

I told her that she already knows I'm not the vinidictive type and would not use something like that to get back at her. I then told her what ticked me off. I explained that while I'm not perfect and things may not always get done to her timeline, I still think I do pretty good. I also said that she has ackknowledged me in the past, but to have her cut into me when I make the efforts that I make, well, that's just wrong.

She apologized and said it wasn't fair for her to say that to me. Apology accepted on my part. Now, the trick is to find out how to interrupt her patterns. She like some other people will get into a snit and then it's "WATCH OUT!". And her reactions know no bounds. My issue is "direct anger at the thing/person that pissed you off" and try to remain patient everywhere else. I know it's not easy, but still. TRY.

So - everything is pretty copacetic. Hope all is well out there!
