One tiny step forward....One GIANT step back...
So SO sends the Email to BM yesterday. Today I found out that she responded. Curious me asked if she was mad or understood his feelings. He response was "kinda." He said he got a response but then said it didn't go through. But when I talked to him on the phone though he said pretty much this about the two subjects.
BM - "I did make appointments because if I waited for you to financially contribute then it would never get done. So I went ahead and decided to put them on because I don't know how much more I can afford health insurance (in the divorce papers she is responsible for insurance.) Plus you need to be prepared because SS #2 now needs them."
SO to Me: "She really doesn't know how much longer she can afford to pay for health insurance and I am going to have to put them on my plan if she can't afford it. SS #2 is going to now need them so I need to start planning ahead."
Me to SO: "Are you kidding me? Just because she doesn't know how much longer she can afford to keep paying health insurance she has to still go behind your back and put them on the kid without discussing it first? And to put braces on SS#2 when she hasn't even lost all her baby teeth is absolutely ridiculous right now because she is only 11 and like SD #1 its cosmetic. It is not your fault she can't pay health insurance...because it's cosmetic and not a necessity the insurance isn't picking up much of the braces to begin with. Give me a freakin break!"
So now lets move on to the dreaded SD #3's birthday party.
BM to SO: You must have misunderstood my text, I was only asking if your were in the financial position to help out.
SO to Me: She said I mistunderstood the text she was only asking me if I had the financial meansto help out with the party. She is just looking for any amount even if its 40 or 50 dollars. But she wanted to ask if your kids wanted to go.
Me to SO: "Are you ignorant? Is that not asking for money? What part of NO does she not understand...I don't care if you were a freakin millionaire. She planned it, it was her date, she purposely said she made it that date because she knew you were working (her own admission and this is the 2nd year she has done this), you couldn't invite any of your friends andnor family. And you must have lost your freakin mind if you think I am taking my BKs to her party after she has been so nasty and ignorant to me..oh and that includes her mother who she lives with, she has been horrible to me too. NO!"
He freakin sugar coats every damn message or response from BM and everytime I ask if I can see her response, all of a sudden "I accidently deleted it but don't you trust me?" HELL NO I don't trust you....
So tomrrow it is suppose to be his day to get his kids. Now mind you, they haven't been over in awhile. It was discussed that I was going to do the very basic just not any extras for my ungrateful FSDs. He was so on board with this and now...he is not getting them. He made up some excuse. After he had said last week that he was afraid their feelings were going to get hurt if I didn't do for them like I do for my BKs. Well my BKs don't steal from me or say "F You" to my face. My kids get punished and his don't. So what what is that teaching his kids...they can lie and steal from me but he doesn't want them to feel "uncomfortable."
OMG...he is so lucky he is at work because I want to ring his freakin neck. He is such a whimp when it comes to his kids and BM. Why am I torturing myself? I don't need him to support me financially or anything. I am starting to really resent him as much as I do his kids...and I know I shouldn't resent children but it's not right how he can be the first one to say I was to easy on a punsihment for one of my BKs when he doesn't freakin punish his kids period.....
- mom23ms's blog
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Can a SM say FUCK YOU back at
Can a SM say FUCK YOU back at a skid who said it to them first?
Usually I would say probably not, take the high road... but I"m thinking yes... it would fly outta my mouth at those brats the next tiime I heard it.
Ok, I'm going to be the meany
Ok, I'm going to be the meany here and ask...if you can't trust him then why are you bothering in the relationship? You can't have a meaningful connection with someone without trust. You seem to be an extremely intelligent, rational woman. Why are you making yourself crazy over this man and his ex wife?
I would want to ring his freaking neck too.... You are a pretty strong chick to put up with that crap.
I am sitting here alone (SO's
I am sitting here alone (SO's after work) asking myself the same question. I guess it's because he keeps telling me "I'll work on the kids I promise just give me time." I think I have given enough time. I can sit here now while he is not here and reflect and it's becoming more clearer...I've been "The Nanny" and nothing more.