Why SD's give us so many problems...realizations
With SD 14 gone and living with BM and the modification almost signed and settled, I can look back and see where everything went wrong.
I know that we SM's have problems with Boys and Girls alike. But, it really feels like the girls give us so many problems. The pattern seems to happen in their tweens. It started for us at 13. It blew up when she turned 14 and she had it in her head that now she had rights and a judge would listen to her. She emphatically said this over and over again and then SD14 had us served.
I can look back now as the drama somewhat subsides. I have come to realize a few things about these SD's. I think these girls learn how to manipulate everyone through the divorce. They know mom and dad feel bad about the divorce and they continue to play on that for years. They play them against each other to get to do what they want. For us, DH recognized early on that she was "boy crazy" when she got into 6th grade. He tried to reign it in. But, she would go to BM's and BM thought it was great that she was popular. So she encouraged her to be at sleepovers all weekend and even during the week. DH didn't see the problems. BM just seemed to think everything was great. She had the mentality that SD was a good girl. She was then, just very cocky and manipulative. Fast forward to know and you see the problems. These situations start when suddenly these girls that have been controlling everything in their DH's life amd then a SM comes into their life and starts calling them out on stuff. We see the manipulation that they do. We see when they are heading down a bad path. We mention it casually to DH's and they get defensive. We couldn't possibly be right and have their best interest at heart. We become evil if we say anything. We start to get negative about these kids. We don't want to. We tried to just point out things. We are made to feel like our opinions don't matter. I spent the first 9 months in this house, feeling like I was hated and that I had made this awful mistake. If I had left I think it would have made this girl worse. She would have won.
Then the games get worse and worse. For us, SD had a place to go. For some the BM's aren't in their lives so they don't have that option. So they turn it on to the SM in their life. For me, it is nice that she is not in the house. She still manages to cause drama just by living so close and what she is doing to her siblings. She beats up SS12 if he doesn't move fast enough in the morning to catch the bus. He says he is relieved that he has a week away from her now. The kid even asked when this started if DH could make it so they were never in the house together. If he could be here the week she wasn't. DH should have said that to BM then. But, she made everything so difficult.
Did I handle everything right? Probably not. I was nice and I got slammed for it. So that made me start calling her out on everything in front of DH. I had to make DH see what was happening with her. The lying and the manipulating she was doing. The constand need for attention. This was a path that she was headed and all I could do was point it out. It caused us to argue continuously, which she loved. We ended up in therapy. That didn't work out well at all. I still feel like I am starting to recover from PTSD. That is insane that I would feel that way. She made this house a war zone...
Everything that was happening was apparent to me as a Stepmom. It was all going to get worse if we didn't get a handle on it now. BM by being permissive has changed who she could have been. By not stopping the manipulation and lies about SM and DH, she allowed her to think she could do what she wants. She got what she wanted, she is living in a house that has no rules. With a Step sister that has already been expelled for drinking. She is seen all over town with different friends and boys all the time. She is always going.
Where we are now...DH has taken her out to dinner one time in 9 months and there has been two fights between us caused by it. She knew what she was doing insisting that they meet on a saturday night. I don't think he will make that mistake again.
She is now a bleach blonde at 14 and BM and her have a nice picture of their blonde hair together on Facebook for the world to see. Amazing, since both of them are very brunette. Who bleaches a 14 year old? I casually mention the hair to DH and he goes off about BM and that it looks terrible with all the eye makeup. I let that go. Then I find out that they went to our favorite restaurant where we know the owners very well. I said very calmly that there are 40 restaurants in this town, do not ever take her there again. Our place. His answer she likes Sushi. Tough. I am mortified that they saw this child. This situation is embarassing for me and I do not need it made to appear that all is well with this girl. I don't think he will do that again.
These girls, seem to take great pride in continuing to make everyone miserable. I am convinced that it is fun for them. When SD14 started harrassing BS15 on the bus, she clearly did it because she enjoyed it. These girls really make our lives difficult as much as they can. She didn't live here anymore, she got what she wanted. Out of our house. So now, she has to do something to get our attention and the only way is with the "perfect son" as she used to call him. BM defended her again. BM got hers in court with the mediator telling her she was entitled to no CS. At least she got a little karma. My question is BM got a little of hers from the legal system and very high legal bills, do these SK's ever get theirs?
Will she ever realize that she had a good relationship with her father and she destroyed it? Will she see that she could have been so much more, if she had the structure and discipline that she needed? Will she realize it when college comes and I encourage DH to not give her a dime. Telling him that she already got 10K from us from the laywers fees she caused. Will she realize it when we take the boys on a very large vacation this year to an exotic locale to see her Uncle get married and she will not be included? Will she realize that the evil SM is not so evil, when she pays for another cruise and only takes SS and BS on the very large cruise ship that she pushed for? Will she ever admit that she lied to BM about what happened in our household?
I don't think these teen girls realize the damage they caused. I hope she realizes what she did. Do I think it will be anytime soon? Probably not. I do know this, she will never enter any home I live in, without a very long and detailed apology to myself, her father and her brother and my BS.
I am sure there will be conversations in the future about this with DH and he will tell me she apologized to him. I don't care and I hope I remember this, she has to do it in front of me and to me...she needs to see the pain that she and her mom caused.
- Jsmom's blog
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You are right, Lost. It will
You are right, Lost. It will be further confirmation that you and your dh are in the wrong.
do you have a camera in my
do you have a camera in my house........LOL
I feel you; my SD14 is just like this; she takes pride in ruining things; she enjoys it. My DH has finally seen this after the roughtest seven months of our 12 year relationship. He actually told her that he is done with her games and she cannot use her "lines" anymore and he doesn't even care if she cries. He is backing me up on my tough love with her - I just don't think he knows how to handle her. Her BM didn't - that's why she dropped her off on our doorstep. So I guess if this makes the mean person - so be it; noone has stepped up to her and she thinks she's in charge of everything; surprise - your not; this is my HOME.
Manipulation starts
Manipulation starts early..FSD 10 didn't want to go to school today because it was too cold (we live in South Texas and it is very cold but no snow or ice today) one of her friends mom told her daughter (my FSD friend) that she did not want her going to school SO FSD decided to throw a fit with her father after he told her that she was going to school. She told him that her friend's mother cared about her daughter getting sick and that is why she was letting her stay home and FSD told my FDH that he must not care about her getting sick. Crazy stuff
I think with my SD15 is that
I think with my SD15 is that I am around her more than she is around her dad. I work from home therefore I am the first person she sees. If she has had a bad day at school she takes it out on me. She thought arguing is the equivalent to venting. I told her that arguing about OTHER things is not VENTING about how your day went so bad!
I also think that with me she pushes it because she knows that I can't reach over and smack her across the mouth. But this is where she is not very bright because daddy dearest can discipline her the way he deems fit. I told her that my life goes on while she is up in her room with absolutely no priviliges or freedoms. Silly girl.
Just to give you a clue on
Just to give you a clue on how it still continues. She may not live here but, still creates drama. My son had a bad day at school. Failed an AP Stat test. He doesn't post often, but put Bad Day today with a frown face. She Likes it. He comes down stairs and tells DH that his daughter is a brat. He tells her to defriend her. He says no, since all the drama with the bus, he wants to make sure she is not saying anything about him. I defended him. He yelled at DH that his daughter lacked compassion. I confirmed that sentiment and walked away before this got worse.
SO BS puts on Facebook that she better back off and grow up. Used her name, so I am sure there is more drama to come.
This girl is a narcissitic brat. I am amazed at how much drama she can create from a subdivision away....My son was so upset about the class and to have her do it, I just want to yell at her. But, I can't because no one ever tells the little brat that she is mean and should be nice to others. Ugh!!!
These girls probably grow up someday, but I don't see it on this website. Seems like so many just are a pain forever to their steps and Bios. So explain why we keep trying...