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driving psycho BM outta our life!

Ryleysmama's picture

So i have a nutty BM on my hands. Literally certifiable (not kidding). I brought up a shared email acct w/my FH as a way to stop her constant calling/texting trying to butt into our life. We have told her repeatedly (nicely and ferociously) to only contact ABOUT THE CHILD. She just cannot manage to do this! Even tho she has a live in boyfriend w/2kids of his own she still has not backed off. I don't know what more either of us can do other than take the hard line like this. The CO isn't specific about days for visitation so my FH just gets SD when he can. That in itself gives her another excuse to text/call nonstop to "talk about when SD is coming to see daddy".

Because of things that happened early on and the fact that FH and i also have a 7mo old boy I no longer watch SD17mos when he's not here. SD only comes when FH is not working and is not leaving the house for any reason. In order to be able to do the no contact except for thru this shared email acct (except a medical or otherwise emergency) we need to set the days that SD will spend w/us so Bm no longer has that as an excuse to txt/call nonstop. I am kinda worried about this as in order for it to work I'm obviously going to have to take over watching SD and my son at the same time w/o FH's help becuz of his work obligations. I was thinking SD would come friday night thru sunday night every week. FH has saturday and sunday off from work. He leaves for work by 7am and sometimes doesn't get home until very late depending on what side jobs he's doing. Although if he knows SD will be here he will schedule sides jobs for other days.

My pickle is whether or not i will regret taking on watching the SD also. My son at 7mos requires most of my attention thru the day as it is and SD at 17mos old will require quite alot also as she can't do alot for herself being so young. I'm just wondering if anyone has any suggestions or has been thru this type of situation before. Am i taking on to much? Will i regret this later? Is there anyway to stop the BM's constant unwanted unnecessary contact w/o me having to take on primary care of another small child? I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place.