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Need advice about disengagement

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I've seen the term disengagement on this site alot but haven't come across a good description of what it is and how to do it? My FDH has a 16mo old daughter and we have a 7mo old son together (yes i know that will raise questions about how that happened refer to my first blog entry). Anyway- FDH expects me to love his daughter as if she was my own child but i just cant. She is already well on her way to being a spoiled brat. Doesnt listen to a damn thing. Will scream so loud you literally feel your ears hurt.

I'm going to kill someone if this shit dont stop!!!!!

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So my 7mo old son and I get woken up at 4am today to my SD screaming her head off because "shudder" she had to sleep in her own crib! so my FDH goes in there to calm her. ya fing right. calm her? ha. no such thing. I finally get my son back to sleep at 5am. So what does FDH do? brings SD STILL FING SCREAMING into our bedroom. So "shocker" up goes our son again. So of course as usual i have to get up put my son in his swing to try to soothe him back to sleep *he is* and FDH and SD are in OUR bed snoozing away and i'm up MAD AS HELL. Somehow this will be all my damn fault like usual.

driving psycho BM outta our life!

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So i have a nutty BM on my hands. Literally certifiable (not kidding). I brought up a shared email acct w/my FH as a way to stop her constant calling/texting trying to butt into our life. We have told her repeatedly (nicely and ferociously) to only contact ABOUT THE CHILD. She just cannot manage to do this! Even tho she has a live in boyfriend w/2kids of his own she still has not backed off. I don't know what more either of us can do other than take the hard line like this. The CO isn't specific about days for visitation so my FH just gets SD when he can.

New here. I could def use any advice on how to handle this BM situation

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I have a strange situation. I met my FH about 4yrs ago. We had a fling and i didn't know until the next morning he had a long term g/f. They didn't live together anymore had major relationship issues and it was an on/off thing for a long time. We stayed in contact even tho I dated others and he stayed with her. We continued to sleep together occasionally (awful i know). So fast forward. I hadnt heard from FH in months was in a committed relationship of my own but that was on the rocks. FH calls to tell me his g/f (same one) is pregnant and doesn't know who the father is.