Does Anyone Have Some Movies They Could Suggest?
I am uploading movies that keep me motivated while I am away from my family.
I uploaded "Stepmom" (because Susan Sarandon has to die for Julia Roberts to have her happily ever life as a stepmother), "Tyler Perry's Why Did I Get Married?" (because it reminds me how bad or good things can be in a marriage ...), "PS I Love You", (very romantic and DH and I like it) "Despicable Me" (because DH is Gru), and "Benny and Joon" (true test of love) ...
Does anyone have ideas on inspiring movies that keep you feeling good about family, marriage or being a step parent? After about 6 months of being away from my family, I sometimes get really negative and self-destructive and it helps to have visual cues.
THAT's a good one! Thanks!
THAT's a good one! Thanks!
I don't know if it's very
I don't know if it's very uplifting, but one of my favorites is "What Dreams May Come". It's very moving and the message of it is "Sometimes when you win, you lose." I like it for the soul mate aspect of it.
That's a good suggestion but
That's a good suggestion but ... kind of a downer. It's the one with Kevin Costner right?
I love Stepmom too!!! I think
I love Stepmom too!!! I think it's hilarious that so many SMs love that movie and every time I ask why, they say it's because the bio-mom dies in the end! LOL!
Um, they're not really all family/marriage/step-parent movies, but here are my favorites for comfort when I need it or am away from my family and friends and am lonely.
Feel Good/Romantic/Funny Movies:
BRIDGET JONE'S DIARY (my go to flu/cold comfort movie)
NEVER BEEN KISSED (Drew Barrymore-cute and funny)
ALONG CAME POLLY (hilarious if you love Ben Stiller like I do)
HE SAID, SHE SAID (1980's Kevin Bacon comedy/romance)
MEET THE PARENTS (great for when you are stressing over your in-laws!)
FRENCH KISS (sweet, funny and Meg Ryan!)
OFFICE SPACE (straight up funny, especially if you've ever worked in an office)
RETURN TO ME (cheesy, but a tearjerker and very sweet and romantic)
THE FULL MONTY (hilarious and all about a custody battle from the dad's point of view)
SEET NOVEMBER (I am literally the only person I know that likes this movie, but I am sticking to my guns! It's rad! Watch it and see what you think!)
WHEN HARRY MET SALLY (another comfort movie for me)
BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM (fun, teen-type movie, but always cheers me up-plus if you like soccer it's your movie)
EVER AFTER (strictly for sappy women and gay men-me and my gays like to watch this on "rainbow movie night. While the hubby does "man stuff" with his buds :D)
SLEEPLESS IN SEATTLE (I'm a sucker for Meg Ryan movies and this has a step-mom theme sort of!!!)
DANGEROUS BEAUTY (a movie that is based on a true story-about a Venetian (Italy) girl who becomes a courtesan as an alternative to marriage or the convent. Fun, juicy and purely entertaining)
SWEET HOME ALABAMA (funny, fun and two extremely hot guys)
ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING (a classic, one of my top favorite 80's movies and a great prep for step-parenting, lol!)
ABOUT A BOY (sweet, funny, awkward, touching, dramatic and makes a wonderful point that everyone needs other people and that you don't need a traditional nuclear family to have a loving circle of family and friends-based on an amazing book by Nick Hornby)
THE NOTEBOOK (when you want to be swept away into romance and have a good cry)
THE WEDDING SINGER (freaking hilarious-about relationships, friendships and marriage)
MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA (not as good as the book, but still beautifully filmed and acted. A lush and romantic movie)
LOVE ACTUALLY (the quintessential romantic comedy-my mom and I watch this together every Christmas)
"10" (hilarious Dudley Moore comedy from the 70's about a man having a major midlife crisis-I shot Pepsi out my nose laughing the first time I saw it)
SIXTEEN CANDLES (for the secret romantic 16 year old in all of us! Plus, I love Molly Ringwald)
EUROTRIP (ridiculous, lots of nudity, immature humor and travel. What could be better?")
BABY BOOM (80's movie starring Diane Keaton about a corporate shark career woman who randomly inherits a baby and has to learn how to mother from scratch and balance work and parenting-funny, sweet and entertaining)
ROMY AND MICHELLE'S HIGH SCHOOL REUNION (just plain funny and silly. I laugh my ass off every time I watch it)
THE SNAPPER (an Irish movie about a young woman who gets pregnant and creates the scandal of her neighborhood. Very funny and entertaining)
GONE WITH THE WIND (very long, but totally worth it and the book is great too)
GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES (my favorite Marylin Monroe movie, plus I adore Jane Russell-great songs too if you like musicals)
WHITE CHRISTMAS (another traditional family Christmas movie. I also watch it during the rest of the year when I want something comforting and uplifting)
FAME (1980) (A classic. I was a ballet dancer and went to a performing arts high school so this movie appeals to me in particular, but it's very entertaining for non-dancers/singers/actors and gives a little peek into the performing arts world)
LEGENDS OF THE FALL (so many hotties, sweepingly beautiful Montana scenery, drama, romance and tragedy)
COLD COMFORT FARM (based on one of my favorite books, by the same name, by Stella Gibbons. Extremely funny in a British humor kind of way (my fave). This won't fail to cheer you up!)
I CAPTURE THE CASTLE (another amazing book-to-movie adaption. The book, written by Dodie Smith is incredible and the movie perfectly captures the charm, humor and romance of the book)
FOOTLOOSE (first of all, I ADORE Kevin Bacon and this movie was my top favorite from early childhood. I have watched it more than any other movie and it's a total escape movie for me)
BRUCE ALMIGHTY (I hate Jennifer Aniston, but Jim Carey is hilarious in this and it has a great "moral" lesson, but put out in a funny way. Very entertaining)
MRS. DOUBTFIRE (Robin Williams as a dad struggling to spend time with his kids (after a nasty divorce) and the only way he can wrangle it is to dress in drag and pretend to be a nanny to his own kids. Funny stuff and my skids love this one too)
SOME KIND OF WONDERFUL (lesser known 80's movie with Eric Stoltz and Mary Stuart Masterson. 80's-ish, funny and romantic. A classic high school angst movie)
13 GOING ON 30 (even my hubby liked this one, even though it probably couldn't be cheesier)
TRISTAN AND ISOLDE (a breathtaking movie version of the old myth, with wonderful casting, beautiful scenery and lots of bittersweet romance and tragedy)
KNOCKED UP (sweet, funny and goofy-an accidental pregnancy brings two opposites together. Cute and funny)
ANGUS, THONGS AND PERFECT SNOGGING (a UK movie based on a teen lit series that I love. An excellent adaption of the first two books. Appropriate for teenagers who are at least 13 years old)
THE HANGOVER (just plain old freaking hilarious!)
THE COVE (for animal lovers and anyone who cares about life on Earth and the plight of the dolphins. Make sure you have your box of kleenex and a xanax handy....truly tragic, but important to watch anyway)
KILL BILL 1 AND 2 (extremely violent, but highly entertaining and good to watch when you just want to smash the BMs face in)
DEATH PROOF (evil serial killer gets the tables turned on him when he takes on the wrong three chicks. The women turn out to be stuntwomen and pull badass move after badass move.
The ultimate girl power movie! I remember leaving the theatre totally energized and stoked)
WILDE (a very well done biography of Oscar Wilde, mainly focusing on his personal life and taboo bisexuality at the time. Wilde is played to perfection by Stephen Fry)
SPICE WORLD (yes, I am admitting that I love this movie!. It's very funny and tongue in cheek and I love celebrities that can make fun of themselves. My hubby likes this movie too, but I think that has more to do with Posh Spice than anything else, lol!)
THE RUNAWAYS (based on the life of rocker Joan Jett and her band and personal friends, musical partners and private struggles)
GROUNDHOG DAY (Bill Murray experiences the same day over and over and over and over again until he learns a and entertaining)
PLANES, TRAINS AND AUTOMOBILES (Steve Martin and John Candy, what's more could you need?)
THE JOY LUCK CLUB (a wonderful book by Amy Tan, adapted perfectly into film. Mid 90's I think? I am very close to my mom and since the entire movie/book focuses on mothers and daughters I sniffled and weeped my way through it the last time I watched it.)
LOST IN TRANSLATION (Bill Murray again, as well as an enchanting Scarlett Johansson. The PERFECT movie for insomniacs. I watch this when I can't sleep and I find it immensely comforting. On top of that it's beautifully filmed, well acted, funny and interesting. One of my top favorities!
SENSE AND SENSIBILITY (A lush and accurate adaption of the Jane Austen novel, written/adapted by Emma Thompson, who also stars in the lead role of Elinor Dashwood. This movie never fails to make me cry (in a good way) I love it!)
SUPERNANNY -great for getting parenting ideas!
SISTER WIVES -interesting. Follows a real life polygamous family and will make you grateful that you don't have to live in the same house as your husband's love interests!
BIG LOVE - the fictional version of Sister Wives. Starring Bill Paxton. An engrossing tv show!
DEXTER - who doesn't love a vigilante serial killer that only kills serial killers?
TRUE BLOOD - super entertaining vampire/werwolf/telepath/shapeshifter show. Watch it!
MAD MEN -Don Draper. Do I have to say more?
GHOST ADVENTURES - the best ghost hunters show out there.
MOST HAUNTED - a fun and well presented ghost hunting show
A HAUNTING (Discovery Channel) -real life stories of hauntings, re-inacted for the public, with interviews with haunting victims
IT'S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA -not for those who are offended easily, I think this is one of the funniest shows i've ever!
WIFE SWAP- entertaining and makes me grateful that I have my husband and not one of those losers!
CALIFORNICATION - about a writer with a sex addiction. Very funny.
ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT - Laugh out loud funny show about a very dysfunctional family.
MAN VS. WILD (with Bear Grylls) -In one episode Bear drinks his own urine to show how it can keep you alive and also drank water from a big ball of fresh elephant dung! Any show with that kind of thing and I will tune in! Lol
RENO 911 - basically a COPS spoof. Hilarious
HEROES -really suspenseful, interesting and complicated. My husband and I are addicted to this show!
SEX AND THE CITY - my girly go to show. my bff comes over with a bottle of wine and a pizza and we snuggle up on my couch for some super girl time.
GOLDEN GIRLS -H HATES this show, but I love it.
SEINFELD -Who doesn't love Jerry Seinfeld?
THE FIRST 48 - A homicide detective reality show
THE UNITED STATES OF TARA about a mom with multiple personality disorder-good prep movie for dealing with certifiably insane BMs, lol!
JUNO - adorable and quirky movie about teen pregnancy and adoption
CASUAL SEX - an 80's movie about two friends who decide to clean up their sex lives out of fear of diseases-funny, but dated for sure
CLUELESS/EMMA - the first is the modern remake of the Jane Austen classic, "Emma" and is funny and cleverly done. Emma, directly based on the Austen classic is one of my favorite "Austen movies." Starring Gwyneth Paltrow, who pulled off an amazing English accent, much to my delight
SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY - Early 90's Julia Roberts movie about an abused wife who fakes her own death to escape her abusive husband. Shenanigans follow and it's a great suspenseful thriller
SPEED - thrilling and exciting. Keanu Reeves before he got weird and gross and Sandra Bullock, whom I still adore
DIRTY DANCING ("Nobody puts Baby in the corner")
STRICTLY BALLROOM - a strange, romantic, thrilling and dance filled peek into the behind the scenes of the competitive ballroom dance scene in Australia. I am a dancer (ballet mostly, but I have done every form of dance as well) so I loooooove the dancing scenes
THE YOUNG VICTORIA -a beautiful period piece about England's Queen Victoria when she was a young girl and just inheriting the throne. Amazing costumes and sets and wonderful acting. Thoroughly enjoyable.
THE TUDORS (a sexy, lush, exciting and passionate mini-series about the life of England's King Henry VIII and his eight wives. One of my favorite shows!)
THE THORNBIRDS (the book is great and although this miniseries is dated, it's still fun to watch)
NORTH AND SOUTH (another mini-series based on an amazing book by John Jakes. It follows two friends, a northerner (played by James Read) and a southerner (played by Patrick Swayze) who become friends at West Point Military Academy, before the Civil War. It follows their lives (and their family's lives) as they struggle to maintain their deep friendship while serving as enemies in the same war. An amaaaaaayzing mini-series!)
WINDS OF WAR (not as good as North and South, but still a very entertaining mini-series about a family and group of friends and acquaintances as they fight and try to survive WW2)
PILLARS OF THE EARTH (a new mini-series that is set in medieval Europe and is chock full of hot guys, drama, history and excitement)
ROME (for anyone who likes Ancient history, specifically Ancient Rome and Greece, this is your mini-series)
ROOTS (a mini-series about one man's struggle to escape slavery, pre-civil war, and his friends and family)
BBC'S THE HUMAN FACE (a fascinating documentary, hosted by John Cleese, that scientifically explains aspects of the human face and human interaction and relationships as well as being funny and easy to understand, even for kids)
BBC'S BLUE PLANET (the best ocean documentary available)
BBC'S PLANET EARTH (the best planet Earth documentary, but try to find the UK version because it's narrated by David Attenborough and the American version is narrated by Sigourney Weaver, who is a fine actress, but did a horrible job on this particular series. Attenborough rocks it though!
BBC'S LIFE OF MAMMALS (another David Attenborough documentary. Interesting, shocking and very entertaining.
There are tons more, but these were just the ones that popped into my head...
WOW!! This is awesome! Thank
WOW!! This is awesome! Thank you! I just started downloading!
No Reservations
No Reservations
I like this movie but not too
I like this movie but not too sure about the feel good part. It definitely addresses children that are not yours
Juno has a blended
Juno has a blended family....and some tough choices...and great humor.
My stepdad introduced me to
My stepdad introduced me to this movie while I was home for Christmas. It is called Secondhand Lions. What a great movie. Evidently it was out a cpl of years ago .(I must have been under a rock) and won several awards.