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lmc1218's picture

I Have a 18.5 step son that is planning on going away to college in the fall..he has been accepted, but has not sent in or searched for any scholarships...his gpa is about 3.5 or will be when he graduates...he has never had a job...I want him to get a job, and start applying for scholarships and even though we have had about 5- sit down talks with him...he just wants to play video and computer games...I cannot get this kid motivated, or to get to action...even though I have been talking constantly about this for about the last 6 months...any advice help would be great...thank you.


buttercookie's picture

The only way you are going to motivate him is to stop paying for everything for him and doing everything for him. If he don't fill out the paperwork or apply for jobs start taking stuff away. I know he is an adult but its your house and he is essentially a guest.