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Call for stories for MTV Documentary

MTVN Blended's picture

Hey stepparents! Tell your kids about a new documentary that MTV is producing...


Is a new stepmother or stepfather about to enter your life and home… along with their kids? Is the size of your family about to double in a day? Is your parent’s same-sex partner moving in with him/her…and you? Are you trying to befriend your siblings-to-be but doubting the outcome? If you feel like your family is about to get blended, MTV wants to hear from you.

If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28, and your family is undergoing a major reconfiguration, email us at with all of the details. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number and a photo, if possible.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I'm going to leave this up here but I just wanted to tell everyone that I don't know anything about it.

I thought that somebody might be interested in it or I would have deleted it. If it is offending to anybody let me know.
