Does anyone have any advice?
DH and I just found out today that BM has put SD8 on antidepressants. She's been on them for a few weeks. BM says that this is because she's been acting out. By acting out, she means she's caught her stealing twice and that SD8 has been more defiant than usual.
First of all, she hasn't mentioned anything that seems unusual for a little girl who had a rough home life. BM finally admits that she had a lot of boyfriends in and out of her house before she married that latest one, and they're seeing a marriage counselor. So it's obvious that things at home aren't good. But I don't think that putting her on antidepressants is necissary or even safe.
I know that there are extreme cases where children are a danger to themselves or to others. I agree that there are children who need medications. What I don't believe is that this is one of those cases. At no point has SD8 been violent or suicidal. So what is BM thinking?!!
So far DH and I have set up an appointment for SD8 to be seen by a family practice and not just the hospital ER doctor who (I believe very irresponsibly) prescribed these pills with no prior knowledge of SD8's or BM's past history. (We learned in the process that most of the pediatricians in this town won't see SD8 because BM let most of her medical bills go to collections. A little off the point, but also very frustrating because this is something else we'll have to take care of and pay for.)
So my question is, is there anything we can do once we prove that SD8 shouldn't be on this medication? We've got her appointment set up for next week, so we are trying to get a professional oppinion, but even if he says she shouldn't be one them, is there anything else we can do? BM's the custodial parent here. It doesn't seem like it would be very easy to force BM to stop giving these to SD8 while she's in her own home, but maybe there's something we can do?
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If she does not need to be on
If she does not need to be on meds then have the doctor write the report and tell BM that she needs to stop - you may need to take this to court but your DH has every right to have a voice in her medical care. The meds probably calm her down and make her easier for BM to handle - I have a feeling this is going to end up in court - Good Luck!
I think I would go straight
I think I would go straight from the Docs office to your Attorney's office or to court to file a a cease and decist order and for emergency temp custody.
That little girl needs to be as far away from BM as possible.
IMHO of course.
Good luck.
I totally agree. If yall
I totally agree. If yall could offer her a stable home life then go for it. As for the antidepressants, all i know about it relates back to my own medical stuff. No child should be put on anything that strong unless there is a very serious, concrete, without a doubt benefit because of the HORRENDOUS side effects. Antidepressants can throw some people (including children) into a manic / psychotic state. From 6 to 11 i was on all sorts of meds for ADHD - In stages I was malnurished, overmedicated, my metabolism is permanently screwed, I am 4 inches shorter than I was projected to be, I developed tics, eating disorders b/c the meds suppressed my appetite so badly, I would hyper-concentrate on tiny things... Obviously those are a different class of meds but my point is that strong medication is not to be used lightly with kids and there are many psychs out there (as my parents learned) that dont have scruples about prescibing things to children without evidence of reason.