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Anxiety and dread start a week before she gets here.

quippers01's picture

I have 2 good weeks a month. Each inital week right after SD's EOWE visit. Then the weekend before her visits come and I start thinking "oh God, she's going to be here this time next week" and then it turns into "Damn it, she's going to be here in less than a week"..."a few days"..."AGHHH, TOMORROW!". It ruins the whole week. Every time. And I never feel any better until she's out the door Sunday. And even then, I'm only ok until the weekend when the cycle starts all over. I really feel so sorry for my H...MOST of the time. I just can't wrap my head around how you all with 50-50 or even every weekend visits survive. If her visits ever increase you will hear about me on the news...the woman who went sky diving without a parachute....


Tx mommy of 3's picture

Exactly!!! I dread the Mondays after an ss weekend. They are worse because I feel unrested and like I had no weekend. Dh feels the same way since he has to spend all Friday and sun night driving. (4 hr roundtrip)

Triggerfishgal's picture

Same. I spend the Friday he arrives keyed up, before i am even around him. All weekend keyed up, cringing at his high pitched squealing laughs at tv. I actually look forward to work Monday, even though I know I will be exhausted.