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Is SO defensive about their kid/s? Are you about yours?

quippers01's picture

Another post got me thinking and I didn't want to hijack it so...

How does your SO react to you laughing when their kid does something stupid? How do you react when your own kids do something stupid? And how does your SO react when your kids do something stupid? Wow, now that I wrote it out it sounds confusing.

A couple of examples from my very 'special' family:

Once during "the trip" I asked his kid "SD, would you like to color?" Nevermind the fact that I had to ask her 3 times to get her attention. When her reply was "PURPLE", I lost my shit and could not stop laughing. H laughed about it for a couple of secs but then he started to get pissy because I was still laughing. He also started making exscuses "she wasn't paying attention" (duh, that's why it's funny)...and, "she was just telling which color she wanted" (again, duh that's why it was funny). I make jokes about "getting my kids tested" when they do something especially stupid and H has no problem joining me in this...but god forbid I laugh at the stupid things his kid does. He takes it as me saying his kid is mentally challenged. I'm not ruling that option out but I haven't ruled it out with my own kids either Biggrin

One summer when BS was 6 he was swinging from a rope tied to a tree and fell off and broke his arm. He was in a cast for 4 weeks. The DAY AFTER he got his cast off he tripped over a friggin twig and tried to catch himself by putting his arms out in front of him. He rebroke his arm and had to go back into a cast for 6 more weeks. Obviously I wasn't laughing at him while he was hurting but to this day, whenever he does something climb a tree or try to ride his bike with no hands I say "Have you forgotten the summer of 2 broken arms, twig boy". H wasn't around then but he's heard the story and my many references to it. He has even used it a couple times. I don't get offended or pissy with him about it.

This is just the way I am.

H and I poke fun at each other, my kids and I poke fun at each other, and my kids and H poke fun at each other...but the Princess is off limits.

I was hoping you all would share some funny stories about the dumb stuff your kids and skids have done and your and SO's reactions


mom2five's picture

We laugh at everything in our family! But never in a mean-spirited way.

Laughing with someone is very different than laughing at someone.