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MIL question

June's picture

So I love my MIL she is really great. However I am finding out little by little that she is in contact with skids BM more then I origionally thought. I know that if BM drops the skids at my MIL house they will obviously say hello to each other but I am finding out that there have been occasions that my MIL has made a visit to BM house to give her something she had bought. Also the skids BM buys my MIL flowers for mothers day and has them sent to her house. I could see a gift from the skids. , but from my husbands ex wife? Is this how it is for others too?


LizzieA's picture

Personally I have no problem with continued cordial relationships but where many go wrong is DH family putting the BM ahead of the new wife, creating a cliche with her and denigrating her. If you don't have this problem, you are lucky. The relationship will likely die down over time. Old habits die hard and many nice people bend over backwards to not reject the ex-spouse. This happened to me but there was a little too much mingling (BM at EVERY gathering, come on) and DH's sisters were rude to both of us once we tied the knot. Took a while to recover from that "unwelcome" mat. Hee hee.