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Part 1...From the start

quippers01's picture

H and I did not get together under the best of circumstances. We had known each other in high school and were in touch off and on after. We were both seperating and divorcing when we got together this last time and for the first time, as more than friends. I do not love often or easily but when I do it is completely. We spent a weekend together and fell head over heels in love. I was much further along in the divorce process than he since my ex and I had emotionally/physically seperated years before we seperated our homes. So I while I was going through a quick and mostly amicable divorce he was going through a very nasty one with his ex. The choices he made and his actions throughout his divorce were a constant source of pain for me.

His ex was the typical bitter woman whose husband had left her. Since we got together so soon after she assumed he left her for me and went down the psycho ex road for a while. She used visitation with his kid against him and made him jump through all sorts of hoops to see her on occaision. I finally had enough of this and made him talk to someone about his rights as a parent so he could get a better understanding of what she was allowed to do. Finally, in court she started making all sorts of demands about him seeing a therapist and be evaluated. All on his dime and he readily agreed to anything that would eneeable him to see his kid. At first she asked for supervised visits even though before he left her he was a stay at home dad to their child and hers from a previous marriage while she worked, slept and went out with friends.

THere are a lot more little details during this time but I think many of you know the drill with this kind of stuff. It's almost neverending. I was always being put out in order to keep her happy so he could see the kid. By the end of it his custody agreement was for EOW and 2 weeks in the summer and the alternate years with the holidays. BUT, she didn't want the kid in my home or around me so she would make up things like that the agreement didn't say he could take her out of state (BM and SD live in Mass and I live in Ct) so she threatened to not let him see her if he took her out of state. I explained that it didn't say he couldn't so it was assumed he could as long as he brought her back by the agreed uppon time in the order. He was too scared of not being able to see his kid to test her so he just kept having his visits with her at a mutual friends' of theirs home.

Our relationship almost didn't survive New Year's Eve this past year because his friend's went away and said WE were welcome to stay their and have his visit too. So I went up and stayed with him at their house and we had planned a fun little New Year's Eve party for just the 3 of us (my BK's were with their dad). Well BM caught wind of me being in town and lost her friggin mind. Told him if I was there he wouldn't be able to see his kid and told H that she had talked to their friend's and the wife was furious that I was in her house and that I better get out right then. This was a lie but H was always scared to call her bluff. I explained that she was in violation of a court order. I told him all he had to do was call the police and tell them she was violating the order and they would escort him to the house to pick the kid up. H kept just fretting over the whole thing until I got mad and told him to just bring me home since he obviously wasn't going to grow a backbone and make this woman stop controlling our lives. Well he did bring me home and that is still a very sore subject in our relationship.

He called and called and aoplogized up and down and I told him I couldn't do this anymore, I was tired of him allowing my life and happiness to be dictated by this woman and it was time that he either stepped up and did something about it or we were through. He went to court, talked to who he needed to talk to and found out I was right about her violating court orders and she was even lectured to by her own lawyer on the fact that she could be arrested if she pulled another stunt like that. After that she started settling down some but not completely. There was always some little thing for her to bitch about and H always let it get to him. She liked to play on his guilt for not being around more for the kid and would manipulate him with it to get what she wanted. I told him this just won't do. Either he stops caring so much about what she thinks of him as a father and more about what I think of him as a man or I was through. I tried so many times to tell him that if he would stop letting her threats and games control him she would stop doing it.


quippers01's picture

These events were all over the course of the past year. Once he finally stood up to her AND stood his ground, she stopped doing it. She tried a few different tactics but the one thing he was scared of (losing his kid) was off limits to her unless she was willing to take on the legal consequences...and she wasn't. Now we have very few problems with her. Occaisionally she will still bitch about something but we pay no attention now and once she sees she can't cause us any real stress she stops.

quippers01's picture

We are now married and no, I am not metioned in the agreement. The ex has been put in her place...which is anywhere she chooses to be except for in our business. SD visits us at our home EOW and we have her for 2 weeks in the summer. I am having a very hard time adjusting to being a step. I did not have much of a chance to be around her or observe H with her before we got married. So far, I have not liked what I've seen. We were just so happy that we finally had the peace (to the extent that it is) that we jumped into it. One reason for the quickness also was that we thought it would be romantic to get married on the day we had our first official date. Neither of us had considered the fact that it may be hard to blend our families. I am a step kid so I should have known better but I was just so in love and eager to start the life we had been dreaming about for the past year.

zuzieq611's picture

I'm sure he doesn't love her, but it sounds as if he may not have completely cut the emotional ties to her. It would bug the hell out of me if my H were scurrying about trying to make his ex happy. And I'm sure she's happier than heck that she can still make jump through hoops. You may want to bring it to his attention that he is acting more like a trained circus act, and you don't find it very sexy ( nice, and word it differently) He just has to understand that it isn't SHE who has the power, it's the courts, and judges do not take lightly to to ex's that violate custody agreements, it's making him realize that HE does have the power of the law, and needs to use it. I mean it's not like she isn't trashing him to the skid anyway, what more can she do?

mommyto2's picture

i don't know all the reasons that led up to your situation (do they really matter?) but i have to say that i sorta feel for you BF. he is being in tugged in four different directions-- by his ex, who is dangling their daughter over his head and using their child to control him (he needs to see this and take action), by you, who is telling him if he doesn't man-up, you will leave-- you are dangling y'all's relationship over his head (i understand that you have yourself, feelings, and emotions to think about as well, just hear me out...), by his ownself and inner turmoil of, what it sounds like, trying to do the right thing by his daughter and you, and finally, he is being tugged by his daughter and wanting to spend time with her and be a father to her.
i personally would tell him, "right now, this whole seperation is new for you, your ex, and your daughter. concentrate on being there for your daughter on visitation and spending some quality one-on-one time with her and less on trying to make sure i can be included, too-- this can come later when things have settled down some and hopefully will give your ex some time to settle down and except that you are going to move on with your life and that means that you will have a new relationship." have him reiterate this to his ex and make sure she knows that y'all are still together but YOU have offered to give them their space. maybe by doing this, you can show his ex that you realize that what should be his number one priority is his child, and you do not want to come between that but would like to eventually be involved with their child, at a pace that is comfortable for everybody. by constantly disagreeing with BM like this, she prolly feels threatened b/c you constantly want to be around her child, her greatest fear right now is that her child will love you more than her. by doing this for your bf, you are showing him, and his ex, that you love this guy enough to "take one for the team" and wait for things to settle down to make it easier on everybody, except maybe you. i would take the time away from bf to do something for myself and reflect the situation. by becoming involved with a man who already has a child, you are going to be taking on a HUGE task, you have to decide whether your love for him is going to outweigh some of things that you guys are liable to be put through.

quippers01's picture

Hi, thank you all for your interest. I am in the middle of writing my story...mostly as thereapy for myself but also to share with others who may be in a similar situation. This part of the story is the beginning and stretched over the course of a year. I know it's summerized and I can't properly relay the amount of patience I showed during this time. True he was being pulled in a lot of directions but saying I was dangling our relationship over his head is a bit harsh.

I can't put into words the amount of pain and disappointments I suffered or how long my future was in limbo because of his promises that we would have a great life filled with love once he got visitation with his kid squared away. I would wait and wait and he would just do nothing...because it was easier. I was at the point where I felt I was no longer living my life but waiting for a life I wanted to live. A person can only do that for so long before they give up. I would be ready to give up and he would plead for me to give it another chance and I would explain that I need to see that this is going somewhere, that he show me with his actions that we were moving forward and not just waiting for it to sort itself out (which he is prone to do).

Me being at the point of giving up was the only thing that motivated him to get off his butt and take steps to making things better. So he would take a step, I'd feel a little better about my least until I saw that was the only step he had planned. And I would wait...and wait...until I realized once again, I was in limbo, still not really moving forward. Once again I would give up and just not be able to live a life being dictated by another woman. All the while having my life and our plans cancelled and disrupted everytime she got a bug up her butt about something because he was too scared to stand up to her. This is a disgusting thing to watch the man you love do. You lose an enormous amount of respect for him.

After the custody agreement was finally in place and he had jumped through all her hoops to get it,(this is what he swore was holding us back) and I saw he was still scared to stand up to her is when I said I'd had enough. I want all or nothing, I would not live like this anymore. We loved each other very much and I doubt I'll ever find a love like this again, which is why I hung on for so long but enough was enough.

The end result is he finally stood up for us. The b.s. with the ex has stopped (a little drama when we got married but otherwise she has stopped interfering), he has regular visitation with his kid, and for the most part we are quite happy together. My story is leading up to the part where I am now adjusting to being a step to a kid I didn't really get the chance to know before we got married because of BM making trouble and H not standing up for himself and us sooner.

mommyto2's picture

i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be harsh. reading your original post, it sounded like this had spanned out over the course of like a few months and started RIGHT after their seperation. i'm so glad he ended up standing up for you! i dunno why that is so hard for our men to do, mine has yet to do this, but this is very common, or so i'm reading. i hope that you adjust well to being a step-mom, it's a hard road but you have to decided with your hubs what role you will play and whatever role y'all decide, he has to support you and back you up 100%. gl! kup!

quippers01's picture

No need to be sorry, I know I'm summarizing a years worth of drama and it's hard to really convey the atmosphere of the situation that way. Watching the man you love, the man who claims to love you, bow down to the whims of another woman is probably one of the hardest things to endure in a relationship...aside from the part where you are supposed to love and accept his child from the woman he let cause you so much pain.

All I can say for myself at this point is I'm adjusting and trying the best that I can in the face of so many negative emotions. It's difficult and not happening as fast as H would like but I am trying. That's how I found this place, looking for answers and wisdom of Sr. steps.

Tell your H that standing up for himself and you and your relationship really does work. It may get worse before it gets better (often triggers the psycho response in these batshit crazy women) but in the end, if she sees she has no effect on your lives, she will almost always move on to find her drama fix elsewhere.