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About 180's- I thought my DH had two personalities!

mad stepmom's picture

Just read a post where a lady was saying she and her fiance are now really on the same page. I say this all the time to my DH. We need to be on the same page about SD13. Finally while she was gone for 2 wks. he started agreeing with me about everything and said YES we ARE going to be on the same page when she returns and things are going to be good! THEN, after 2 fun weeks together (yes, and more s e x than usual) 2 nights before SD13 returns DH turns a total 180! Goes back on everything we agreed on and made it all 100 times worse! We even now have said we are just going to be room mates and live in separate bedrooms! I am even thinking our marriage is never going to last at this rate. WHY, WHY, WHY can't he stick to what he finally commits to? What choices do I have? I don't want to split up. We have only been married barely over a year! Please give me some good advice that has worked for you. PS- And today after we agree to be roommates DH calls and says he wants to come sleep in my room tonight. I don't freakin think so!!!!!


Biological Stepmom's picture

Yikes, what a terrible situation you are in. I am so sorry.
Sadly I can relate, my DH & myself are currently in therapy to better our marriage and family because he has a bad case of the "worship the kid" disease that seems to take over his body & mind whenever the skid is around which is over 60% of his time including every single weekend.
Counceling is helping to learn about boundries with your child. He's slowly getting it & i mean slowly but he is starting to realize that what he is doing is a form of neglect and he is ruining his future by worshiping him and we'll see what happens.
I do feel for you though please hang in there & try and get some professional help for your DH, its got to be emotionally draining for him to have such an unhealthy unbalanced life.
Hope things get to looking up for you very soon.
biological stepmom (crystal)

mad stepmom's picture

Thanks bio stepmom. Can you believe DH came home tonight and announced to skid of his new ideas for running this household. And by the way the only reason I am here now is to cook and run taxi service for SD13. He had the gall again to ask me how long will he be in the spare bedroom. I said it looks like till hell freezes over. HOW do they get the idea that we want to SLEEP with them when they treat us like dirt? And I can go YEARS without it. I guess in the future when he really wants to reconcile I will mention counseling. My SD lives with us!