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My fiance x and x-mother in law

zenjetset's picture

I got a text from the x-mother in law and a voice message telling me and him that i was cuban and therefore a jealous and a woman who "controls" everything. Thought it was funny, but then I was thinking why the "f" am I dealing with these stupid people who feel that they can call and text and leave message to people they don't know.

What is this you are taking liberties with me? I don't think so...

Does anyone else deal with this crap? I have only been in this relationship for 9 months I don;t think I need this type of commincatiion and degradtion.


zenjetset's picture

I don't contributed to other peoples ignorance. They are upset because they use to use and abuse my fiancé and now we have set boundaries so they can't do that anymore. However, they still do with voice messages and text. The day will come when we will have to get a restraining order. It just headed in that direction. They have zero self control and have no problem telling you what they feel you are doing wrong, but refuse to see that's it's actually them that is acting improperly. Its kind of like that old saying - they are pointing one finger at you when they have threefingers pointing back at them.

zenjetset's picture

When I first met my fiancé I didn't judge his x or her family, but as time passes it becomes more and more difficult not too judge them solely based on their actions. Especially since they have no problem calling me up yelling at me when they don't even know me and disparaging me and my fiancé in front of his children my SDs. They threaten us with lawyers & court all the time if they don't get their way, they have even said "you know our family and how we are and you know what we can do." what is that suppose to mean? Am I suppose to read into that - that your italian and something is going to happen? On one hand its funny but then on the other I consider that a threat. Then to make matters worse, my fiancé is a cancer survivor and he was married when he had the cancer, his x and her family always bring it up claiming "they saved his life" "he owes them" and you can only imagine what else they say based on those comments. I don't understand, how can people be so desperate that they will bring up soneones illness in order to make that person feel quity so the ultimately get their way and gain control. They even said they will send us an invoice for the "help" they provided during that time. I thought people helped people out of the goodness of their heart without expecting anything in return. Especially the father of your precious grandchildren!!! It's just sick and I'm sick of them hurting my fiancé!!!!

zenjetset's picture

Stepaside, WOW!!!!! I have tears in my eyes that is freaking powerful and so true!!!!! Thank you thank you thank you!:-)