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The Countdown Has Begun!!!!!

poisonivy's picture

SKs Departure date has been set....

And its only 2 weeks away! On the downside, Psycho BM has decided to relocate (again) to the state...poor kids start school in a new city every year. Still too far away for EOW visitation but I'm sure there will be drama.

Meanwhile, I'm looking forward to getting back to some sense of normalcy. Who else gts SKIDS for the entire Summer and every holiday?


sm27's picture

I guess that would depend on her DH. If he plans it correctly next time, maybe the skids will have more time with him. While the whole point of summer vacation may have been to spend with the father, he apparently didn't think it was priority, yet somehow this becomes poisonivy's fault.

sm27's picture

I really get what you are saying, and I do think it's so cute of you to have such an idealistic and utopian way of looking at things. However, that's not the way real life works and this is why we are here on a venting site. It's the beauty of the human condition; we are flawed by nature.
With that said, Poison NEVER stated that she was "content with the fact that SKs don't have any real visitation with their father". YOU said that, though. "of course, since the skids aren't her kids they don't really matter, right?". Once again, she never said nor implied this, but YOU did. Are you projecting?
Shooting, I've read your responses to poison's posts and it seems that you are hell bent on making her feel like crap for whatever reason. You are not offering her advice, or another POV, you make assumptions and attack her for things you create in your head about how she must feel.
It is not up to her to give a damn about what skids need, short of food, shelter, and air. If she did care about them needing visitation with their father, that's a plus, but ultimately HE needs to be the one making this happen, not her. This is exactly the kind of thinking that makes SMs out to be evil. She's evil for wanting normalcy again in her life?
Shooting, I'm really starting to question your motives for responding to certain posts such as this one. Do you have unresolved issues within your life, maybe daddy issues, or maybe you grew up as a skid and your father abandoned you? It seems like you overcompensate for those feelings by attacking anyone who YOU feel might not be "doing the right thing".
I don't say any of this to be mean, and hopefully you really don't have any of these issues, but I don't see where Poison is wrong in any of this. I really don't get where you are coming from. Now, if she said that she felt like killing her skids or if she posted that she physically and emotionally abuses them, that would be a different situation. But all she does is talk about how relieved she is of gaining a sense of normalcy back in her life, and you twist that around to mean that she must not care about her skids, etc, etc.

poisonivy's picture

Couldn't have said it better!

All really great points, SM27....

but sometimes you just have to learn to ignore ignorance...after all, even a broken clock is right twice a day!


starfish's picture

YAY! we'll celebrate in 2 weeks!!

we get skids eow/e, ew, and eot..... i guess that's better than all summer ~ even thought it's more time... we have no set rules for holidays, kinda depends on whose day it is...... and i kinda downplay our holiday plans into sounding super boring, so skids opt to stay with bm ~~ works out perfect most of the time...

poisonivy's picture

Shootin...excuse me while I continue to ignore you...

And yes, Starfish, we will celebrate in two weeks, then back to the EOW, EVERY Holiday, all Holiday,. all summer routine....

No rest for the weary!

starfish's picture

i could not agree more:

"Shootin...excuse me while I continue to ignore you..."