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As ya’ll say: What we permit, we promote

MorningMia's picture

SS, mid-thirties, grew into an entitled irresponsible ahole. Mommy excessively pampered him and praised him in order to keep his loyalties in her court, and Daddy tolerated bad behavior for fear of the Prince totally rejecting him. God forbid. The result was an obnoxious moocher who rejected adulthood. 

SS has refused to work full-time because he feels he deserves a life free of obligations. He's not like everyone else. He went quite a while not working at all. His safe spot was always mommy's house when he wasn't traveling (he now works p/t totally remotely). He has scouted out our home as well, but we will not allow it. He owns little beyond expensive computer equipment and drones. 

Well, BM, SD, SSIL and SSIL's parents are creating a super kooky religious compound in a rural area in another state where SS doesn't know anyone. SS is traveling again, on the road (no, he doesn't even own a car). He's been calling DH a lot. Nope, nope, nope.

BM must have finally had enough: The other day, SS tells DH he's going back to work full-time. This is clearly because he has no one to mooch off of for months at a time, no one's car to borrow, no one willing to hand over cash. No one treating him like the prince he believes himself to be. 

I predict a plea in the months to come (we've been through this before), but we have battened down the hatches. 

All of this proves that what we permit, we promote. Enabling is not a good thing. Time to grow up, Little Prince.  


Kes's picture

Well done, you and DH.  Sooner or later, if not enabled, these types of individuals have to face the consequences of their actions and quite right, too. He may make a go of his "full time job", but I suspect not, in the long run, because his entitled attitude will ensure he will treat his employer like his servant rather than his master. 

MorningMia's picture

I predict he will magically "develop" a serious relationship once he finds a woman willing to tolerate his behavior AND support him. 

Trudie's picture

Easy in the short term (avoidance), but not so easy long term (dealing with the product of avoidance). It sounds like you and your husband are on the same page...yay! What turned your husband around as far as not tolerating SS's bad behavior?

MorningMia's picture

DH just grew tired of the rudeness, the servant worshipping of BM, and SS's general irresponsibility. We don't know who he is. He wasn't like this as a teenager. He could be problematic then, but he also had some good qualities. I don't know what happened to them. 

CajunMom's picture

DH's oldest son was a bumming mooch, too. At 40 years old, he ran out of people to mooch on and ended up in the YMCA in a major city for a year. He tried the same thing your SS "move" into our home. I told something. And DH did.

Continue your stance. Let Little Prince pawn his crown (computers and drones) if he needs money....or get a's a revelation. LOL

Harry's picture

A four letter word.  Four letter words are bad .   Worst part of this, this kid so spoiled by now he is incapable of holding a real job

2Tired4Drama's picture

Perhaps SS may wind up at BM's religious compound afterall. There, he may meet some brainwashed, desperate woman who will coddle and kowtow to him. She may see it as her destiny to support the man she loves, LOL! She will pop out a kid or two and there you have it - SS problem solved, ha ha!

Rags's picture

It is never to late to give these types no choice but to live the consequences of their choices.

Well played by you and DH.

Well played.

Golf clap!!!!!