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Step parent PTSD is real

ejamer's picture

I just want to validate anyone on this board who might be experiencing PTSD from their shit SKiDS. I first had a therapist tell me they believed I had it 2 years ago and I thought it seemed too extreme until I realized that whenever my SKIDDs act out it reminds me of the worst experiences of when the awful oldest SD was still living at home and made my life a living hell. She did everything possible to try and drive a wedge between myself and my DH. Even at our wedding she had a scowl on her face which I caught in several pics. Today she no longer lives with us and pretends to be respectful which is leaps and bounds from where she was with me. However I had to have a talk with my DH as the youngest SD getting ready to move out is passive aggressive and awful to me as well. I realized that I have been sucked back in not quite as bad as two years ago where I completely disengaged but bad again. My DH has set up a weekly Friday dinner with my manipulative lazy 20 year old who comes over for dinner because her BM is out every Friday with her partner and SD still lives with her BM who does absolutely everything for her encouraging dependence. Last night I told my DH that some things were going to change like I will never go on trips with them so please stop asking. I am no longer participating in Friday dinners. I am changing my schedule at my job so I can have weekends with my DH. My SKIDs are still trying to be with their dad every Sat just like when they were children so I told him the custody arrangement has been over for years and I want weekends with my DH because for 10 years I only had Sundays with my DH. I told him that since his brat older daughter comes over to eat and then demands he drive her back to her moms that on Fridays we will no longer cook her meals, Instead we will all be on our own for dinner. I am betting money she won't come over Fridays any more. I also told him that I am no longer visiting with his kids in my marital home on Fridays because when his kids are together they insult me blame me act passive aggressive towards me and it's not what I deserve. I'm too old for their bullshit. I told him that is it doesn't change I will leave him. This time I didn't apologize I simply told him you can visit your kids away from the home. The youngest can stay until next month when school is finished. I told him I wanted her to live with her mom in Sept. The SD has made arrangements to live in the dorms at Uni so here's hoping ton a speedy exit out of my home. Now if I can just get over letting my DH be alone with them. The oldest has tried for years to compete with me. She has zero friends major MH and uses her Dad for her social life so she sees me as a threat. I will be working on letting him be with her instead of her coming over and watching me like a hawk but then ignoring me and playing games to hurt me. Disengaging has worked for me in the past and I'm looking forward to the future of not giving a rats ass about them. 


CastleJJ's picture

StepLife PTSD is definitely real. I spent years in and out of therapy to help me cope with dealing with HCBM. My first therapist believed it was PTSD, my second therapist thought I was nuts. 

Whenever I would see BM's name appear on DH's phone or in his email, I would experience panic attack symptoms - racing thoughts, sweating, shaking, etc. and if it was serious communication from her that required a response, sometimes it could take a day or two for me to fully recover. When DH would send responses, I felt the need to reread them a million times and second guess each sentence, worrying about the reaction and response it would cause from BM. It got to the point where if DH's phone vibrated or rang at all for any reason, I would jump. She was so high conflict and verbally and emotionally abusive toward us for so many years, we never knew what the next fight or issue or game would be. We were on edge and survival mode 24/7 with her.

Most of my PTSD symptoms have resolved since DH took BM to courts and they scolded her for her behavior. It also helped that DH set firm boundaries from then forward. Before the courts scolded BM, it didn't matter what boundaries we had in place, she felt she could walk all over them. The only time it flares up is when DH and BM have to sort out dates that are ambiguous in the CO. I don't like the unknown or us having to engage in lengthy discussions with BM. 

I know that even when SS ages out and BM isn't legally tied to DH anymore via a CO or child support, it is still going to take a long time to recover from all of this, if I fully recover at all. Steplife has like rewritten my brain and how I experience parenthood and marriage and life. 

MorningMia's picture

Lengthy discussions are a no-no. HCBMs LOVVVVE that attention. That's one thing we learned when we went to therapy to save our marriage from the BM and skid assaults. Set boundaries early. Simple and short questions and answers. Texting is preferable to talking. 

I learned that the sh** continues after CS ends, but at least those legal ties and terrorist attacks cease. It changes but doesn't fully end. The stench in the air hovers. But it's much easier to cope. 

CastleJJ's picture

Oh yeah, we only ever communicate with BM over email. The issue is, we were kind of forced into lengthier communication with BM thanks to an originally ambiguous CO. Since there was nothing really set by the CO, communication was frequent, lengthy, and annoying just to sort out simple things. Plus, since BM felt she was in total control with no punishment, she would often communicate about nothing and get aggressive towards DH. Those were ignored but it didn't stop her. 

Once we went to court and got a more firm CO and the courts scolded her behavior, it improved drastically. I know that 18 doesn't solve the issues, but at least DH can block her and isn't legally obligated to "work" with her on skid issues. 

Evil4's picture

" Steplife has like rewritten my brain and how I experience parenthood and marriage and life."

YES!!!! OMG! I'm still doing some therapy after a three-year intensive stint in it. It took a lot of personal work because I was diagnosed with trauma after what I went through in step-life and my DH being a dud and not having my back. It's a whole other level of betrayal that often gets overlooked or dismissed entirely and considered not counting at all as betryal because it's not actual PIV cheating. It really does rewire the brain. My therapy was based on CBT and shadow work because I needed to get totally rewired after adopting new and having reinforcement of already existing negative core beliefs that got etched into my brain from the bullshit in step-life.  

CajunMom's picture

always leaves the SM with PTSD issues. I have them, also.

As for your DH seeing his kids away from the marital home, let him do that! It has worked for us for the past 6 years. And think of it this's not your SDs getting what they's getting what YOU want. PEACE.  DH and I are firm in our marriage. He can spend time with his kids with zero impact to me or our marriage. When he's on that "side," I enjoy time with friends, enjoy the solitude of the home, play in my studio, etc etc etc. My DH has to travel to see his I have nice long blocks of time. And what's always funny is how READY DH is to come home after those visits. 

So, send him off to the dinners with your blessings....and enjoy some peaceful down time, knowing you are the winner in the end. Best to you.

MorningMia's picture

When he's on that "side," I enjoy time with friends, enjoy the solitude of the home, play in my studio, etc etc etc. My DH has to travel to see his I have nice long blocks of time. And what's always funny is how READY DH is to come home after those visits. 

I love this so much. It has worked well for us. Nice to have uninterrupted girlfriend days, spa days, QUIET alone time, etc! It's really a nice break. DH always calls and sounds desperate to get home. lol. Then when he gets here, he takes a few days to process the trauma and tells me WTF was wrong with the whole picture and the weird crap he witnessed. I kind of feel sorry for him. 

Lillywy00's picture

I highly believe that when women let these men deal with the messy situation their lackadaisical parenting has caused they're more likely to change vs when we try to help them, make demands, get mad, give ultimatums. 

When they are forced to parent their kids they're better able to see the shenanigans unfold because they're being impacted. 

When we involve ourselves, try to help, always around we become the target, the unpaid therapist, the free nanny, the indentured servant 

This may be easier said than done but the best way to "fix" a Disney parent is to completely remove your presence when Disneyland parenting and obnoxious skid / ex-wife behavior occur then re-appear when his parenting time is over  

Eventually the Disney dad will connect the dots and realize his actions have created a sh*tshow and (unless he fixes it) he will be the only one dealing with the consequences of his lackadaisical parenting style. 

And yes when they have even just a couple days "single parenting" their kids they are drained ..... lol! 

The moment I left dude to struggle it out using his Disneyland parenting tactics, supposedly he enacted more boundaries (refusing to drive all over the city at his exwifes demands, telling his kids NO when they're not ready for pickup, rightfully telling his kids NO to their unreasonable demands for instant pickup during his ex wife's parenting times) because he realize how his resources are being impacted. 

Sometimes reverse psychology and removing your presence are the best ways for other people to learn to respect you and your resources. 

MorningMia's picture

When we involve ourselves, try to help, always around we become the target, the unpaid therapist, the free nanny, the indentured servant 


Lillywy00's picture

I experienced PTSD dealing with a Disneyland dad who gaslit tf out of me about just how conniving and manipulative his ex wife was in using her domestic t3rrorists to destroy my peace in my home every mfing weekend/holiday. 

I work a high stress job and oftentimes I worked over 40hrs a week. So when weekends/his parenting times  hit I expected law and order but instead what I got was no-home-training, no respect, no boundary, disruptive skids.

 talking to a Disneyland dad about his behavior was like talking to a brick wall

I used to get anxiety on Thursday thinking about how these domestic t3rrorists would be arriving on Friday. 

Full on panic attack on Friday as I saw their location (my home) and heard their loud a$$ voices from outside my 2k sq ft home and heard his car doors slamming twice. 

Sheer depression thinking about how my weekend has been completely destroyed now that there is 48hr of coddling, catering, cleaning up after loud/lazy/obnoxious/rude/entitled able bodied skids. 

Now I can't even decompress after work because I have to work to survive his parenting weekend. 

I quietly lose my sh*t if he or his kids decide last minute (at the demands of their mother) to extend their stay and refuse to leave promptly at 4pm on Sunday so I can have some semblance of peace, orderliness, and quiet for a couple of hour before having to get back to the corporate grind. 

On Monday I still feel anxiety especially if dude went deep into Disney dad mode and caused an argument where he rationalizes his and his ex wife's and his kids crappy behavior by saying "I'm doing this for the sake of my kids" 

Tuesday and Wednesday I feel like a weight has been lifted and I'm back to being myself. 

Then the cycle continues ...... *sad*

Now that I left and have my own place. My peace has been restored on weekends and Disneyland Dad/obnoxious skid induced PTSD is not a factor anymore 



Harry's picture

Adult weekends away from home. Leaving on Friday night. And Saturday night.   So SD can't come over.  And you get some fun time 

Xanthippa's picture

I'm a new stepparent, and I think that I'm breaking out in a rash and hives due, at least in part, to the antics of my husband's two adult children. (He has a third child that I adore.) Yes, I am allergic to a lot of things--including the pollen of many types of grass--but what had been a small rash really blew up after I hurried to clean up the house because relatives were arriving to celebrate a particular series of events, and then I was told that I wasn't invited to those events. The adult stepkids would "prefer" that I'm not around. I felt like "the help" at that point--not like a member of the family.

I love my husband tremendously, but I feel like my body is reacting to the stress of the past few days with this rash. Anyway, I don't know what the answer to our common dilemma is, but if it helps, I'm commiserating. I guess we all have to live our way into our answers. I love my husband very much, but I've requested that we go to counseling about this. The same thing seems to happen on Christmas morning, etc., and I'm done being "the help."

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Stress manifests in many ways. I have a single, large hive pop up when I'm stressed. *unknw*

Thumper's picture

How did your husband respond to his kids when they said, they did not want you around?

Now, About being 'the help"

Stop running around cleaning prior to ALL events inside your home. . Hire a cleaning lady and DH will pay for it.


LET GO OF THIS ROPE> They are his kids. His obligation, not yours. You are NOT the help but you likely thought it was something that you should do. I totally get it.

RED LINE. -- Your dh adult kids said  they prefer that YOU are not around. Your husband should have told them to STOP talking about you this way,  about HIS wife, OR their relationship will change. 

PLUS, You can also say this, Darling, I think it is best that you go see your children at their place. They do not want me around so, I am not going. Oh, and DARLING here is a tray of cookies to take along Smile Can't wait until you come home...HAVE a great visit. (the cookies is an act of kindness they can not take away from you, as much as they try)


BTW, no one, and I do mean no one comes into our home who wants me or dh 'not there'. 

NOT happening. Your husband should back you---honestly. 

thinkthrice's picture

From the 5 loooooonnnnnnng years of atomic, scorched earth, take no prisoners, industrial strength PAS that the Girhippo and her clan/community put us through.  And many times Chef would take it out on me.  My only saving grace is that I have not seen those three feral brats in almost 16 years now.

Lillywy00's picture

My only saving grace is that I have not seen those three feral brats in almost 16 years now.


DarkElf's picture

Lucky you!! Looking forward to when SD (12) ages out and stops seeing Papppaaaa EOWE. She does my head in -_- 

DarkElf's picture

Also I think for me I have PTSD in that sometimes if I see a little girl clinging all over her dad in a public place e.g. park etc. I can't help, but roll my eyes and think to myself that I hope he's still with the BM and that some poor Stepmom isn't involved and having to deal with the clinging SD/ mini-wife. I've read too many stories of women on here that are in that scenario. Plus I have PTSD of when my own SD would be clinging all over SO all.the.time. Thankfully she's aged out of it now (for the most part)