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Tax season stress and tension.

Rags's picture

On the phone with DW on her drive home.

DW:  "You need to move the garbage and recycling cans before I get home. They are in my way,"


I walk out, the trash cans are nowhere to be seen. Usually after the trucks come (Garbage and Recycling) the cans are strewn down the street or in the middle of our drive or the driveways of one or the other of our neighbors. 

Rags: "Someone took the cans. Where did you say tthey were?"

DW: "I told you, they are in my way."

I turn around to go back inside and... the cans are in the middle of DW's side of the garage.  They are never there. I go down the driver's side of my car and cannot see DW's side from there.

Rags: "Lol.  You put them in the middle of your side of the garage."

DW: In an irritated voice "I told you they were in my way."

Usually that means they are in the driveway.

Unfortunately, I said that.


She gets home, I run outside, jump in her car, we head out for dinner.

After dinner, we get home.

We are doing house stuff, I am lighting a candle for her.

DW: "This sink is terrible."

No specifics, just terrible.

Rags: "Which one. There are two sinks. I cleaned them both."

DW: "You don't listen. I said the sink.

Rags: "Which one.  There are two sinks in the kitchen. Side by side."

DW: in an even more irritated voice "The faucet sprayer leaks.  We have been married long enough you should understand me by now."

Rags: confused look. "You mean I should understand when you don't give me accurate information?"

Bad Rags.  Bad.

DW: "Now you are just being mean."

Rags:  Even more confused look... followed by an evil glint in my eye. "Wanna fight!"

DW: "Get away from me. I'll win!!!"

I don't think in lady language.  I need direct instructions.  Simple man brain level communication.

e.g. "I put the garbage cans on my side of the garage. Please move them."

And... "The faucet sprayer is leaking."

I can't wait to get my next role and get us both through Fall/extension tax season.  Then... only 3.5mos until Spring tax season.


I'm proud of her, but the stress is hell for both of us.

I know that the stress of my career is taxing on her as her's is on me.

I may buy lotto ticks this week.



thinkthrice's picture

I could NEVER talk to Chef like that!  I would probably be picking myself up off the floor.

SteppedOut's picture

That doesn't sound good.

Cover1W's picture

I'm usually the one needing specific information!

Last night I found out DH was putting used batteries into the area where we keep new batteries. WTH? No wonder some batteries are not working!

I told him if you have old batteries put them in the recycling box in the garage. He was mad because why does it matter, he thinks in the drawer with new batteries, just not in the new battery box is ok, but that box doesn't always remain upright! I think he just does not want to go to the garage. Or I told him just leave them on the counter. Now we need more new batteries....



halo1998's picture

and I'm always like...WTH are you trying to tell me.  After 15 years..I have gotten better at deciphering DH speak..but yea..its a challenge sometimes.

I know having one spouse unemployed unexpectedly is STRESSFULLL....btdt about 3 times now with DH.