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A positive post for once!

TrueNorth77's picture

But mostly because for once DH didn't have dad guilt and we got to go away for a whole wknd ON A SKID WKND. SD14 went camping with DH's sister Thurs-Sunday, and we just got a camper that we have been doing work on that we haven't used yet. DH said we could use it this wknd if SD was gone- like, he even suggested it. I thought to myself, what about SS17...? But didn't say anything, because I'm not an idiot. SS worked Sat/Sun anyway, and doesn't seem to care about doing things with us, so we simply told SS we were going camping and he was like cool, bye. Ring cameras and a text to his gf's mom ensured there wouldn't be any funny business while we were gone, and in fact SS had even loaded/unloaded the dishwasher, swiffered the floors, and taken out the trash when we got home. *shok*

SS does not do self-initiated chores. Ever. He has never once done any of these things without being told. He had also bought coffee (we don't drink coffee), creamer and some light snacks, so apparently he turned into an adult over the wknd? Whatever, I'll take it and maybe we should leave him alone more often. I text him when I saw the empty dishwasher, asking if he did the dishes and he listed the other things he had done, and I just said Stoppppp.....That's amazing, Great job! SS and I had a great week this week before we left for camping, chatting and giving advice about his gf, etc, and I'm pretty sure he recognized it also, so I think he felt like going above and beyond.

DH and I had an awesome wknd camping, swimming, day drinking, and then we immediately went to his work summer party after we got home, which neither skid wanted to go to and was also fun. And when his coworkers asked us to go to a bar after I was sure DH would say no because SD was now home, and although DH told me he doesn't have dad guilt with SS, he freely admits he DOES have dad guilt with SD. But to my shock, DH didn't even hesitate and said yes we would go. We got home and he still had time to talk to SD, although I just said hi and bypassed her and went to bed because I was not in the mood for her, and now skids are gone to Crazy's, and I had a glimpse of what it could be like if SD ever gets friends and a life, and it is glorious...


CLove's picture

YES! We went on our weekend get away, and no drama and it was fun and all the time was just us doing what we wanted.

Now, even though we are back and its SDpower sulk CPS week, that so doesnt register as important.

TrueNorth77's picture

It's sad that we live for the days when it's a permanent feeling and we finally have FREEDOM!

So glad you had a fantastic wknd getaway just the 2 of you!