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Mostly OT... but not entirely.

Rags's picture

So, our son (SS-30) is now back in the US.  This is the first time we have all lived on the same continent since mid year 2011.  It is calming for his mom and I to have him a relatively short flight away where we can fit in some periodic long weekends together.  

He flew in, picked up his new car the next day, checked into his apartment, then promptly learned that his shipment delivery date was pushed from the next day until Mid Oct. So, he is air matressing, one TV tray and one folding chair camping in his apartment for a month or so.  I remember those single moving to a new place and not having furniture days.  Fondly actually. But those are a number of stories for another day.

He is excited about his new duty station and to be back in the States.  His first meal in his new apartment...... Sonic.  He is commited to eating everything he could not get during his 5 years in Germany.

On the work front... my on the spectrum likely Bi-polar #2 called me last Saturday sobbing and barely able to speak.  He thanked me for being a calming influence in his life, helping him navigate the interpersonal challenges he struggles with then hung up.  He did text me the next day to tell me he was not going to be at work on Monday.  He took Monday and Tuesday off then came to work Wednesday.  That was a very emotional day.  He seems to think that I was put into his life for a reason.  I hope he is right and I hope that he is taking the right steps to make his life a happy one.

Mid day on Wednesday he got a call from a VA crisis counselor. I stepped out so they could have a private conversation.  An hour later I returned to the office just after he got off of the call with the counselor. They advised that he go to the ER immediately and check himself into Detox.  I knew he enjoyed drinking and edible cannabis but attributed his volatility to his various behavioral illness conditions.  

He is on his 3rd of 5-7 days in Detox and I have not heard from him since Thursday.

I truly hope this is a watershed step for him. He is exceptionally good at his job but is the kiss of death for interpersonal relationships. both in his personal and professional lives.

All three of my bosses (Direct, Matrix customer, and Ops customer) are lobbying for him to be moved to a different role in a different facility. I have been working that for a couple of months even before all three of my bosses got on board (I outlined the need and my plan for it a coupld of months ago) but my company is so risk averse to employee changes regarding labor and legal complaints that there is about zero chance of me being able to facilitate that change in a manner that will be good for him, for my organization, for my company and for my customer.  My primary issue is nearly entirely selfish. He is that good at what he does.  Replacing him will put a crap ton more on me until I can get his replacement identified and up to speed.

Dash 1

I do have an established succession plan for my team and a very high capability and higher potential next #2 candidate who is also my back fill in the succession plan.   I have a second level candidate as well so regardless of how this all unfolds it does not have to be a catastrophe.

The summer tax season has wrapped up for my bride but sadly the fall tax season started immediately so it will be another month before I "see" her other than having a quick breakfast and dinners together.  My cooking skills are improving exponentially with her working remotely from home.  This has helped us both significantly with our weight loss/health focus.  I am down 30Lbs in 16 weeks and she is down over 20Lbs.  It is amazing how not eating out so much impacts the waistline and the scale. Not to mention basic energy and health levels.

Here is to positive change.


And.. neither of us has had a drink in months.  A nice bottle of wine would be an amazing treat about now. But... that is not on plan.

Have a great weeking STalkers.


JRI's picture

I"m glad your son is back.   He's not in your city, right?   I'm sure your DW is breathing a sigh of relief.

I feel for you dealing with a challenging employee.  I did my share of that and it's draining.  Is he sensitive when you try to advise him?  For me, that was the worst part.  I'd try to correct course and the employee would take it as an insult.  I'm pretty tactful, I could have been MUCH blunter, then they would really have felt insulted.  My company was like yours, extremely risk adverse to firing people.  It's exhausting.

Rags's picture

As for my employee. He has made major changes/improvents since he promoted in Dec of last year. Mostly in the past 3-4mos.  I could have been much blunter as well and invoked a zero tolerance position far sooner. 

Part of the issue is the company we work for will not allow direct managers to discipline even their direct reports without HR, Legal, and one and two up approval which pretty much ties the hands of anyone with direct reports.  ANother issue is that when an employee is in limbo, no longer in the org but still on the company books, I can't backfill them.  So, I have adopted the fire them then inform the company that my two week notice is effective the instant they consider disciplining me for terminating a toxic under performing eimployee.  Part of all of that is a reminder to  the company that it took them 16mos to fill the role I am in after the last person resigned.  I am now on my third direct report boss in less than 14mos. My acting boss is someone I developed for about 10mos. He was my direct report when I started in the role. He and I are good.  Level wise we are peers though he is positionally in a more Sr. role.

My team is norming and starting to perform exceptionally well, with the exception of a couple of problem "children".  16mos later..........

It is exhausting.