Just how selfish can you be
This weekend we went out of town to celebrate ss15's bday. Its been a while that we did anything for either kid's birthday and ss has been wanting to go to an amusement park. DH wanted to surprise ss so we booked a trip to a bigger park that's farther from home, and we were staying in a hotel for two nights for this trip.
Ss is on the spectrum and he usually can get a special pass that allows him (and the family) to cut the line. DH told him that and not long after, ss was asking me whether he can go by himself once we get to the park. By that he meant he wants to cut the line and get to more rides by himself while the rest of us three wait in line. (DD and I dont care much about the rides he wanted to take so we couldn't care less, we mostly wait for them two and carrying bags while they were on the rides.) I asked him what was the reason he didn't want to take rides with his dad, who planned this whole thing for him. I also told him that it sounded to me like we were really just tools to get him to the park. He dropped that idea shortly after, I didn't mention to DH (no idea if he heard).
Later the same day, after we fed the kids dinner, DH and I went out for some drinks. When we got back to the hotel (not very late), we couldn't get in to the room. We knocked the door and no one answered, until DH called Ss' name, and DD came to open the door. We walked in and SS was pretending he was sleeping. I realized the reason why we couldn't get in to the room was because he locked the hotel door.
DH was really mad (me too, of course). To be honest I dont know why DH even bother to plan anything for his son who didn't even want to take the rides with him, and locked us both out for the room we paid for.
we really should just bought one ticket for ss and dropped him to the local amusement park by himself, then pick him up later.
i wish I never have to travel with this kid again.
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Do you think he locked the door due to security concerns?
It is due to security
It is due to security concerns, but also that he doesn't understand how hotel doors work. What is infuriating is that even hearing his dad calling his name, he decided to pretend he was sleeping and not opening the door for us, not the act of locking the door.