At a loss
My husband and I have been married for a year, together for over three years. We met shortly after he and his ex filed for divorce. My SK are 17, 18 and 21. I had a relationship with the youngest almost immediately, but in reality, none of them have really accepted the divorce, even 4 years later. Recently, the 18 year old told him she did not accept our marriage. We never see my SK and don't hear from them unless they need money, a favor or a text telling dad how they don't feel he loves them, he doesn't do enough, etc. But they clearly don't want to spend time with him, they just want to make him feel guilty that he "doesn't" (he tried in the past and the oldest wasn't talking to him, the middle was always busy, sleeping, working, etc., and the youngest would come over but eventually left early because BM needed him to help clean the house, or do some other random thing).
Recently, my DH got a text from my youngest SS with the same guilt trip message. I encouraged him to reply back with an offer that they all needed to attend counseling together because the nothing else was going to fix their relationship (and he gently pointed out some other things to defend himself for once, while also reiterating that he loves them). SS never replied back.
A lot of these textx seem to get triggered when I post about our lives on fb (I am friends with the kids and BM). Last year, when we had a rental home, things seemed to be great. We hosted my oldest SS's graduation party, and my SD's birthday party. My parents came and everyone got along great. My mom and BM were even talking like old friends. Then we had to move in with my parents due to my health and not being able to work (chronic health issues, breast cancer, etc). This year, they had my oldest SS's 21st party and never told my DH. I can't help feeling used and like a fool. BM very much has borderline personality disorder.
So I'm deleting my fb because I don't know how else to get my peace back. If I unfriend then, battle lines will be drawn and I'm not sure my DH is comfortable with that (though he is hurt by them, he continues to give them money whenever they ask if he has it, above the significant child support already being paid, or do whatever favor they ask at a moment's notice--he says he is "just about done", but he is a kind hearted man and a softie).
I am sorry for the long post but wanted to share my story. It has been a hard year with one major medical issue after another, then the cancer, then an eviction (which was a blessing in disguise), and nothing but drama from the kids. I thought them seeing us lose our home would make them realize what their dad is working to provide for them (a roof over their head), but they've been raised to see him as an ATM and someone who's job it is to take care of them and fix things, and nothing more. He's a convenience to
them. It breaks my heart and pisses me off.
You can create a new profile under an alias. Only friend close friends and family and that is where you can post ( just don't tag DH).
You can keep your old profile, just have it dormant.
In the future, if I decide to
In the future, if I decide to go back on FB, i may do that. But i did take a 2 month break and it was incredibly freeing. Then i got back on and realized that was a huge mistake. There are boundaries of respect that need to be put in place, but at this point, that's never going to happen. DH feels it's pointless and hopeless, and BM is manipulative and BPD (but very good at coming off as your friend when she needs something--I am learning a lot about "love bombing" and grooming). I was so naive going in to this and hoped for a good relationship amongst all of us, including BM, especially as I can't have children of my own. Now I feel like they have the upper hand on everything, and I am forever stuck with BM (who I fear hasn't accepted she needs to figure out how to support herself now).
Sorry to dump! I have a counselor I am talking to tomorrow, but I am drowning in all of this. How do you ladies (and gents) do this??? I don't even have it as badly as some of you have shared!!
Another option
Limit their viewing of your page. That is a setting on Facebook. Hide them from everything. They can still see your page and possibly what others post but nothing you post will be visible to them. If you don't want to raise any flags, do an ocassional post of something generic and fix it to let them see. It's a bit of work but since deleting and blocking them would cause more's worth it.
I was going to do that, but
I was going to do that, but in the end, I am so tired of dancing around the drama (and there is ALWAYS major drama--something significant going on in their world, at one point cops being called on neighbors, etc. or supposedly them, etc.). And I'm old fashioned, I miss writing people (or now texting and emailing) to stay in touch, even though I realize they won't write back. For my current mental health after this year with the SK and the cancer, I am realizing social media is just too much "noise". I did keep my IG, and they're all blocked and the only SS that was following me is now blocked. I took that risk. *biggrin*
The good news is…
They are nearing aging out from under the CS order. You do realize that your DH being the on call ATM is a huge part of the problem right?
I would be clear with him that bit a cent above CS will be provided and not one cent will be provided after the CS CO expires without specific performance criteria associated with any money going to the adult Skids.