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Oh how it just keeps getting worse

STEPMOMSTER805's picture

It's been a few months since I have posted. Well my stepdaughters did move here, one went back home a few months ago and now the other is leaving. This one that is here is one of the most ungrateful and entitled brat I have ever known. It floors me the way she talks to her dad. He has become her bi*ch. It sickens me. She walks around the house in her bra or a tank top with no bra and very short shorts. Anyhow she has finally shown the real her, the one that makes everyone in the house miserable if things don't  go her way or if she is told no. She will literally throw a tantrum and repeat let me talk let me talk when she is the only one talking. Her dad and I recently called her out on lies and other destructive things and she proceeded to say I'm a piece of sh!t and I'm la stupid fat lazy bitch. How do I handle this???


Kes's picture

Absolutely, eviction notice for DH and his obnoxious daughter. No way I'd tolerate verbal abuse in my own home, and her father enables her. 

thinkthrice's picture

Or was it yours?  Who took the initiative to call her out and who was merely boarding the train?

If it was you that took the initiative, then the dynamic is backwards.  If dad is just going along with your concerns and playing "good cop, bad cop," to temporarily placate you, then you have a HUGE problem. 

 Obviously this behavior did not appear overnight.   SD(s) have not been properly parented by THEIR BIOLOGICAL parents from day one and you will not be able to overturn that.

Start forming your exit plan stat!

justmakingthebest's picture

You said she is leaving, right? How long until then?

For the time being, lock her ass down. No cell, no TV in her room, ship the majority of her stuff out to her mom's (I'm guessing). Leave her with a bed and 2-3 basic outfits. Short shorts go in the trash. Make her miserable so she doesn't change her mind and disney dad doesn't have a change in heart. 

STEPMOMSTER805's picture

Well now it seems like he is upset that it all came to a head like this. To me there is no excuse for the behavior she demonstrated yesterday. Dad is however  heartbroken that she is leaving this way, she has been his favorite that up till now got anything and everything she wanted. My fear is now somehow it's going to somehow become MY fault. Yeah I have pointed out the things she does to her dad because like she said I sit at home all day, but what she doesn't realize is she and I are on different levels here in this house. This is mine and dad's home, and she pays not for a single thing here. She is still the child. And her behavior and outbursts have proven it. I do say I am proud of myself for not getting down on that level and unleashing my anger because it was so hard to not knock the daylights out of her. Especially when she hit the back of my husband's head in the car. She really needs to go and to find help. 

Harry's picture

Your fault.  He can't blame himself.  Or SD. Or BM. So who's left.  You.   You should be kissing SD ass, to make her happy. Be buying her anything she wants.  That was working for Disney dadddddy