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Being a stepmom can be hell sometimes

Mia22's picture

I have a 3 year old bd, 2 ss and,3 sd. The 2 sd and the ss are older. I only see the oldest ss who is 20 and comes over 1 day a week because he works,has a car and is responsible. The the one sd is a junior in high school and I rarely see her .The other sd started a new job and so I never see her. The 15 year old ss and 9 year old sd come regularly. Their mom is so busy traveling,spending stimulus and childsupport. She barely does anything accept lie and tell the kids she is working alot. My fiancé and I do everything for the kids. Their mom didn't have Christmas for them so they had to come to our house. She lied to her 9 year old daughter about a birthday cookout and the excuse was I got a flat tire. We took her out to dinner and bought her gifts. The woman is the worst mother ever. The younger two never want to go home because she is hardly there. My 9 is ungrateful and doesn't like to clean up after herself. I told her that we fired maid service along time ago,so please clean up after yourself. She gets slight attitudes when I asked her to clean up after self. I now text my fiancé.and screenshot him a picture because he swears I am picking on her. My fiancé makes her clean up the  mess because my name is not Florence the maid. My 15 year ss is like a zombie. He games 24-7 ,eats in the room,showers.and sleeps. I see him when he comes over to the room and when he leaves. I told my fiancé that this isn't a hotel or resort. My fiancé works overnight hours and has alot on his plate bc his father passed from covid 19. My 9 year old sd cries.when her mom lies and makes empty promises and we mAke up for it. I told my fiancé not to mention anything about her and I don't want anything to do with pure trash. Half of the time my sd is upstairs in the room with the 15 years old  or doing her own thing because she's annoying at times. I just disengage myself . My fiancé helps out by doing things and sometimes he doesn't think that certain things are a big deal.  I feel sorry for my 9 year old sd but I didn't birth her and the connection is just slightly there. Her mom doesn't comb her hair and so it gets matted. I just feel a little overwhelmed at times


AgedOut's picture

I understand your frustrations. How is your kiddo doing with all of  the upheaval in the house when the SKs come over?