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Now we have a show

Little Jo's picture

I love it. BF read the letters I wrote. Basically, that nothing has changed in the past year. DK (Darkness) manipulates him and the girls and he keeps taking it. He COMPLETELY agreed with me!
He told me he wished I did send the one letter to her. EXCUSE ME, Did I just get the green light.

I polish the letter, made sure no heavy accustations are in there. The letter's tone was extremely firm and sighting both their problems. (It was a good old fashion ass reeming)

So I send the letter to SD16's e-mail. Then I try to text DK, but I'm a moron when it come to texting and couldn't do it. So, I got my oats on and call DK from my cell phone. She has my # blocked!!! Now I'm laughing. So I use his cell to leave her a message. Sad part is, I'm sure my e-mail is blocked as well. But that's O.k. that's why there is ink in the computer.

Oh, also, when I showed BF the text message he said, she said something about that. That she has to go to an Alanon meeting.
So last night DK took SD16 to the meeting. (Great, you'll take a kid to a meeting to support your new BF but you can't take the 9 year old with holes in her teeth to a Dentist.)I guess she figured if BF called her on the text she could say, oh I didn't mean anything by it.

I can't wait to see what happens next.


septembers_child's picture

K Little Jo...I have to ask...admitting that I havn't read your blogs and don't entirley know your situation..But why would you send a letter reeming the bio mom to the SD???? If I am a clueless stink..just say so...but I was just wondering why you would do that?

Little Jo's picture

I don't know DK's e-mail address and the letter is to long to text. I though about doing a copy and paste right to her my-space. But it doesn't matter now. I printed it and BF will give it with the child support today. DK is sending her brother to pick up the money today because she is out of town with her BF. (just found this out 5 mins. ago)

This is so freaking stupid. She told BF she wanted the girls for Easter. Why is she out of town for the weekend. ??

I'm calling the girls next to find out if anyone wants to come over and spend the night.