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Pets > Kids

krissykat's picture

Got in a fight with my husband.

His son asked me what I would do if he was allergic to the cats/ my dog. I said sounds like you wouldn't be coming over anymore huh?

I regret nothing. At least my dog doesn't talk back.


caninelover's picture

If Bratty McBratFace was actually allergic to pets, I'd have a mini-zoo in my house.  100 cats and dogs.  Hehehe.

Stepdrama2020's picture

I luv the way you think.

OP the lil dick head is a pot stirrer. Your answer was EPIC.

Stepping Along's picture

My SS16, when he was 14-15 used to continuously bring up, and only in front of my husband and SD "you love your dog more then you love me".... I didn't even bother denying it, but I would say "That dog shows me more love and appreciation then you do, so why wouldn't I?!"... my husband would sit their silent, my SD would crack up laughing and follow with "It's funny cause it's true" haha 

He no longer brings this up...

justmakingthebest's picture


I tell my own kids all the time that our pup is my favorite child. She is always happy to see me (I am surrounded by surly teenagers), she cuddles, doesn't make a mess, and because she is only 3 lbs she doesn't eat me out of house and home!