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I feel that I am on all sides

Mrsronny's picture

I am a Bm and a sm I have paid child support and supposed to have received child support. Was I evil as a Bm or am I? I do not believe I am I like my ex gf she is awesome to our kids. I did fall apart a bit when he planned bs graduations without asking me or involving me at all and at the last minute because gf bd didn't have a site to do her party he invited them to be a part of it so when pictures so on it was oh lets get your mom and dad and you and they mean her the gf not me plus none of my family was invited so I was surrounded with his family her family and my son was like plz mom for me be calm I tried I swear but when ex mom was like lets get a family photo and purposely did not include me I just exploded it wasn't like I did not pay for or would of the party I had done his senior pictures and would of got cake or anything else that was needed but I was not asked. It was embarrassing and I really only hurt bs so after I told ex no way he was in charge of any major functions. It worked a lot better this year when we had bd confirmation I got the cake and juice and the gf asked if we could have at her house do to that's where church is. I was a bit uncomfortable and did have a migraine for but it went very well no break downs by any one and bd was very happy. Now the bm of my ss11 and ss15 seems to want to make everything as difficult as possible. When we go to pick them up they are never ready we can wait up to a hour I have sense decided just not to go of course buying the ss16 a truck has helped he drives mostly. I do not get her she lived with a friend ss11 really believed it for a long time and as soon as we got married she married him in less then a 3 months later so the kids had to deal with not one step but two. Oh yea they also lost their grandfather same year he was a amazing man I hate that i did no get to see and know him more guess who showed up at the funeral? and who came back to the house and spent hours with mh family grrr awe well enough venting for now.


Mrsronny's picture

ty seems I have joined the site during a bit of drama hopefully everything has settled down now