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Mrsronny's picture

I am reading a few of these and realizing for the most part I am real lucky. I just need to vent a bit I guess. Being a step parent is really tricky and having to deal with people you more then likely do not like as in ex's is at the very least very difficult but then add teenagers and normal teen behavior and some not so normal it is just very tough.


Mrsronny's picture

yea with birth kids I fell in love with them the 9 months they were in me and there is the intense protective feeling I really do love my ss16 and ss11 it just seems like a lot more work and effort plus they do things the bk would not even think about doing. I really do not get why ss16 tells ss11 to call his bd by his given name he knows it hurts him. Bm has been caught telling them to call him by his given name to. Ss11 has sat and told me everyone tells him to call him that and if he does not he is in trouble wow who does that? I do not always get along with my kids bd and boy he can be very immature about things but he loves them and does do what he feels is in the best interest of the kids I do not always agree of course but that's why he is the ex.