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UPDATE - GWR, SD and B*r...what will B*r guess is NADA and do I tell DH

halo1998's picture

In the end I did tell DH what I had found. Turns out SD had told him most of the story, she left out the sexual part.  I informed of that part.  DH is disgusted, annoyed and very disappointed that this is his own son.  DH tried to raise SS to be better about.

I told him because I figured he needed to know

Why didn't I want to..

DH's go to used to be to send a message to Beaver.   However, that is like pissing up a tree.  The tree doesn't get watered and DH just gets piss all over him.

DH's next go to would be to text GWR.  Again would be the same as the above and now that would invite SS back into DH's life to harrass him some more.

I also didn't want to be the one to bring forth more information on just how much of a douche canoe his son is.   Turns out I didn't have to.

DH agreed with my reporting it on the annoymous school line and my friends husband is a state trooper so I will ask him what else can be done.

GWR is 18..he isn't a minor anymore and some of his friends that participated in this mess are also over 18.  So now it becomes a situation of adults sexually harassing a minor child (SD is only 14).   

Before anyone asks do I feel sorry for GWR's friends that might get caught in this.  NO...I do not.   If their son's are treating their friend's little sister like this...WTF are they doing to other women??    That type of behavior needs to be stopped, no if and or buts.


advice.only2's picture

I don't feel bad for any of them, there are consequences in life and they will need to learn that.

The_Upgrade's picture

There is a huge difference between 14 and 18 yrs old. I would've been freaked out at 14 if any 18 year old paid me the tiniest bit of attention, let alone my brother's creepy friends asking for BJs....

tog redux's picture

I always figure that I'd be mad if DH didn't tell me something important, so I try to go by that. How he handles it and the consequences of that are his problem to deal with.

ICanMakeIt's picture

now knowing the age difference and BEAVER STILLLLL did nothing. Ask that State Trooper friend if she can be held liable for anything. She was complacent with adults sexually harassing her daughter - what a scuzz ball.

justmakingthebest's picture

I think this should absolutely be reported. I am glad your DH is supporting that. 

Sparkl3s's picture

I wouldn't feel guilt reporting them either. It's shameful that they don't have a moral compass that lets me see on their own now inappropriate that type of behavior is to any woman. Especially a minor, that's disgusting. 

CLove's picture

Well, Im not sure why it is a question of to report or not to report, and feelings of guilt.

18-year olds soliciting a 14 year old for sex - well lets see...isnt that illegal?

Apparently Beaver has the maternal instincts of a lump of coal...and I suppose SD14 is learning life skills in self-protection, so theres a silver lining for you.

If that was my DH, hed be all over those kids. AND involving the parents.

Felicity0224's picture

Good lord. I didn't realize the age difference was that much. You'll honestly be doing those boys a favor by reporting it - maybe, just maybe they'll learn a valuable lesson and their behavior won't escalate in the future. And Beaver is a bigger POS than I thought she was - if adult men were harassing my 14 year old daughter like that I would be raising hell.