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a little update

NotCinderellasmom's picture

So Sd possibly moved out last night. I say possibly because she did not say anthing to H or I but he overheard a convo between MIL and her. 

I told him to talk to her because we need to know this information. Her room door is closed and their is some unspoken rule that we are never to go in there. He abides I don't if there is a smell or I am missing dishes but I will give her a day or two then I am going in and clearing out because I know she did not clean anything.

H asked is she moving and she said you will know when I tell you.



ESMOD's picture

I would be making this my hill to die on with your husband.  that your home is NOT a FLOP HOUSE where his daughter can come and go as she pleases not following rules, not contributing and acting in a hostile manner to aj ADULT who pays the bills.  This is NOT her home.. it is OP's.. and OP and her DH are the ones who get the decision on whether someone lives there or not.

He needs to call his mom... and confirm whether SD is there.. if she is.. he needs to tell his mom that he is packing up his daughter's belongings (don't do it SM).. and will be delivering them later today.  period.  

This is a ridiculous dynamic where the adults are being ruled by a petulant adultbaby

NotCinderellasmom's picture

why shouldnt I pack up her stuff. Honestly I feel if I dont do it she might come back. and H will not pack her stuff.

Kes's picture

I would go in her wretched room, bag any crap, take it to the dump, fumigate, have a locksmith in to change the locks on your front door if she has a key.   I wouldn't ask DH's permission to do this, oh no.  

Winterglow's picture

"So Sd possibly moved out last night."

You're going about this all wrong. You don't wait for her to decide whether she's going to stay or not, you ensure she is gone for good! Bag everything and leave it outside for her. Have the locks changed immediately. Do not let her in if/when she comes back. It does not matter where she goes or who she lives with - she is no longer your problem. Please stop wittering about this - just do it.

justmakingthebest's picture

"she said you will know when I tell you"

Oh hell no. She will know her butt is thrown out for being a disrespectful little twat when she comes home to find her stuff at the curb!

Harry's picture

You make the decision.  Its. she moved out.  Pack her stuff in garbage bags put out side for her. Change the locks 

SD does not disrespect you in your home when you are paying the her bills.