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What do I do when SD has game night

tryingtomakeit's picture

Need some comments please. My SD is in a club at school that one a year the have a family game night. Well, below are the people she has invited:

Biological mother and stepdad
Maternal grandparents
2 best friend of the biological mother

The other day the Biological mother called the Bilogical father(my husband) and asked if we wanted to play on the team?

My husband told her YES!

How awkward is that....I will feel like a major outsider?

What should I do? How should I handle this?

dsp1978's picture

Hmmmm, reading this and a couple of your other posts, it seems like your husband is not very respectful of your involvement, feelings, and everything when it comes to YOUR family situation.
Why isnt he consulting or asking you what your feelings/thoughts are when things like this come up? You definitely should at least be included in the discussion of things.
I have told my SO, that I understand that the end result with some things, will not necessarily be MY decision. However, I do expect to at least be included in a conversation about it, and ESPECIALLY when it will or does effect or will be requiring my involvement.
It is OUR life, MY life and OUR and MY time, and I will not tolerate if I am not at least considered or being included. If I am not going to be than, what is the point of us being together?

Angel72's picture

I see two things here.
1. If you are the type who gets offended if your husband makes a decision without consulting with you first, then i can understand if you are angry. I would tell my dh, you should have told me about it , so i could think and then come to my own decision. my husband and i always consult one another. Heck, what i like at times, he really couldnt care less to that understandable.
2. Here's the other point. Go have fun! Dont feel aukward. Dont feel like an outsider. WHy do you feel like an outsider? Do you have contact or not civil with ex wife?
For the ex wife to call and ask you guys to come play , i see that as a positive and fun way to interact. She's bringing the stepdad...your the stepmom...dont feel aukward,

My opinion: Dont take offense that your dh said yes. Go have fun! Look at it as a positive way to just have fun. Try to be friends.
If all the adults can be civil and just be adults, the kids and eveyrone would be happy.
In my situ, my dh and his ex hate one another. Its an awful thing. I dont like his ex wife because of her behaviour...but if things were different, i would have opted to be friends with her. Life is sooooo hard with the everyday mundane things.
Your choice in the end. Oh !!, can you bring one of your friends too? Would that make it easier?