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Sd10 being alienated against us

Bmarie01's picture

Really struggling with Sd10. She's clearly being alienated against us and is miserable here when personal hygiene, bed time, and just rules overall. We used to have a good relationship but when DH and I had an ours baby BM really rammed up manipulation. Now SD10 won't stop lying to us and is just completely out of control. We payed our lawyer to help get her into therapy but now with covid-19 we are at a stand still and both I and DH struggle with the 50% custody. Everyone is tense or mad when she's here. Please help.


beebeel's picture

Time to disengage. Stop trying to parent her in any way and let her dad figure it out.

justmakingthebest's picture

I don't know if this helps but many therapists are doing their consultation through zoom or other meeting formats. Maybe you could find one that can still help!

luwh033's picture

Feel like this is also happening to us. Things used to be so good. Our place used to be peaceful and we used to all have a good time. Everyone got a long great. Me and Sd10 were pretty close and spent a lot of time together. Then I got pregnant and she has completely changed. She is distant, clings to her father more than ever, purposely doesn't include me in things, she just seems jealous or upset or something. She initially cried when we told her I was pregnant because she "wouldn't get all the attention" and now had to share her dad with another baby. It got worse as others started to find out and were excited about it. We don't really talk very much anymore. I've tried talking to her going the extra mile to make sure she feels good and included but she doesn't seem to appreciate it and has a weird attitude with me now. Purposely does things that are not respectful. Hoping it will pass and things will get better once the baby is here but Idk I doubt it. We have her 50% of the time too so I get it it can definitely become stressful especially during these times. I try to just go in my own world when she is here and focus on me and the baby and give her space and time and maybe she will come to me on her own. That's really all you can do. I've tried talking to her dad about it but he doesn't really see it yet or if he does he acts like he doesn't probably because he doesn't want to have to face it. Can't wait until we move and get more space I feel like a lot of these issues will calm down or dwindle away. We have had a couple talks and it seems like he wants to work on things and make things better for all of us but some things like this just fall to the waist side and he doesn't notice them. We shall see.

Ispofacto's picture

We started Killjoy in therapy when she was 5 and gave up when she was 13.  It made no difference.  She spent the entirety of her sessions blowing smoke up the therapist's arse.  Satan pressured her to be glib with her therapist.  Being glib is normal for her now.  Like the psychopath she is.