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Just some details

Parrotmom's picture

Just a few details so you can see the full picture...

SD was 2 when we got together.

She loved I let her do my hair and makeup, I'd sit for hours letting her put 10000000 bubbles in my hair. Her mom hated that SD would go home and be like "****** is great, ***** is this, ***** is that, to a point my husband had a few messages saying he should spend more time just with his daughter)

When I got pregnant with my first child is when she turned into the child of satan, kicking me, pinching me... nothing was EVER said! He just wouldnt tell her off.

We had our daughter when SD was 5 and that's when she started telling lies about me. She would say my moms said she hates you (at this point her mom was with an ex bf of mine which didnt help the situation!) She would tell her mom I'd been nasty, said horrible things about her mom, was always shouting at her. This is when I started going out when she would visit (she very rarely slept over) I'd go to my moms or I'd swap shifts so I would be at work. It helped a little, husband got to see his daughter and I got out the mix but he would mostly have our daughter with him as well (I've never stopped her having a relationship with her sister!)

This went on for about 3 years, by now we are engaged and planning a wedding. I was adamant I only wanted my daughter as a flower girl. Didnt need the crap on what was to be the best day of my life but after a few very long and sometimes heated talks I agreed to have her as my bridesmaid. That's when everything changed! She wouldnt leave me alone, followed me everywhere, stayed with me at my parents house the night before the wedding. Her mom would message me if she had had a problem with SD during the week and ask me to have a chat with her. I had a mini best friend! Dont get me wrong I still felt like I was walking on eggshells, didn't know if I was gonna get another kick in the back.

Then I got pregnant with baby number 2. She loved it. Would watch my belly for any little sign of movement, came to the gender scan. She was like my own daughter! 

My boy was only a couple of years old when the message dropped out the blue to her dad that in her eyes he just wasnt good enough! Fast forward to present day and shes 22 with a (on off) bf. Her mom still hates me as does SD now for reasons that are beyond me! 

Sorry for the looooong blog but I just need to get it off my chest as this is the first escape I've had, none of my friends have step kids! HOW LUCKY ARE THEY! 

What i dont know is where we would fit her into our lives now? So much has changed. Child number 2 doesn't even remember her. Child number 1 hate how shes treated her dad. And me well.... life was so much easier before yesterday when that letter dropped on our doorstep! 


**bit of an edit...

Depending on SD's moms relationship status depended on if we saw SD when she was young. If her mom had a bf it was all plain sailing if she fell out with bf then we were made to suffer.... yes she was that kinda ex! 


tog redux's picture

OK, I'm a little confused, but I'm assuming BM alienated SD from you two? Was there a period where you didn't see her at all? How long was it? Does she want to be part of your lives now?

Siemprematahari's picture

What I dont know is where we would fit her into our lives now?

SD is toxic, YOU don't have to fit her in anywhere. Your H on the other hand needs to do some soul searching on how he's going to handle a daughter that's been in and out his life for some time. He needs to be more proactive when it comes to demanding she respect you as his wife. 

You don't ever need to have a relationship with her (if you choose not to). You can disengage from this and allow your H to handle this. If she wants a relationship with her siblings your H can do so outside of your home but first he needs to establish some boundaries and deal with her accordingly.

Parrotmom's picture

I will never stop my eldest from seeing her nor will I stop H but I will not welcome her in our home, I wont be made to feel uncomfortable under my own roof! He can meet her elsewhere that will never be a problem. He has said he understands this so that's a start but I know (cause hes a good man) he will welcome her with open arms and sweep the last 8 years under the carpet. This is what's going to cause the problems! 

Parrotmom's picture

Yes, she filled her head with hate. Cant call it anything else! Would obviously tell her that her dad wasnt doing enough for her as a kid wouldnt come up with it when life was good when she was here! 

We haven't seen SD for 8 years. Since the first message saying she wasnt happy at ours and that no one made her feel welcome. I often wonder if she actually sent the message herself... 

She has now contacted us twice, once when she was pregnant saying how all of this was my fault and her dad hadn't got a back bone and then yesterday with a card through the letter  box saying hi grandad heres moms us...

justmakingthebest's picture

Sounds like she wants something. 

Proceed with caution.