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Jennifer 111984's picture

Hi everyone, I'm Jennifer. So glad to have found you all! Wanted to introduce myself and my situation, and hopefully build some great friendships and lines of support.

Doing this stepmom thing for the second time in my life. Yes, I know I'm crazy! My family consists of me 35, boyfriend 48, my biodaughter 14, stepson 13, stepdaughter 7, and stepson 3 whom I've never met. BF is an amazing man and truly the love of my life. The skids' mom is from Russia, and basically kidnapped SS3 last year and moved him there. This happened before I was in the picture, so I've never met either of them. Skids' mom was also mentally and physically abusive to SS13 and SD7, which has caused major behavioral problems with both. SS is much better and never gives me trouble, but SD is very volatile and you never know what will set her off. SD is also BF's favorite, and ends up getting away with so much bad behavior because of that. At heart she is a sweet kid, but her behavior meltdowns exhaust me. Most of my posts here will probably be about her. Finally, my BD14 is an amazing kid, and while she does have her teenage attitude moments, overall she is a joy to be around. Her father is not in her life at all, and both she and I are happy about that.

I've learned a few things from my previous run as a stepmom, and I'd love to help anyone with whatever I can. But I still also hope to get support for the issues with SD, and help me get through them in a positive way. I know I'll be venting a lot, but overall I really want to be a good stepmom to these kids, and try to keep a positive attitude about everything.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

We tell it like it is here. I hope you find lots of support.

Rags's picture

Welcome. I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute and to pick up some useful perspective from others who are living the blended family dream.

Your multiple blended family experience will give you a fairly unique background and I look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences.