Update on SS and His Crazy Entitled Behavior
So...a couple weeks ago I wrote about an absurd, rude, entitled thing that SS20 did. Here's the post...it's long:
This update will be much shorter. So, DH called SS again to attempt to talk to him about the situation. SS was rude, beligerent...kept insisting that he "had been communicative" with his grandparents, refused to listen to DH or take any of his advice about how to mend the situation...insisted there was nothing to mend. Throughout all of this, SS was incredibly smug and just...so cock-sure of himself.
At some point, his voice trembling with rage, SS says to DH: "This is my life, and if you aren't going to respect me and my choices about how I live my life...then we can't have a relationship any more."
So...obviously this is patently absurd because this isn't about respecting "his choices" it's about teaching him how to be honest and direct about money...and grateful to the people who are currently paying for "his life"
DH was incredulous. Told SS that if he thought he had nothing left to learn...or never needs to apologize or make things right when he's behaved poorly...then he's right. They can't have a relationship because DH doesn't want a relationship where SS does whatever he wants and DH is never allowed to discuss it with him.
Anyway...I mentioned all of this and DH's very mature and balanced response in a comment on another blog recently.
But...now. SS hasn't returned any of DH's texts for about a month. DH is pretty sure he's been blocked on SS's phone and he's asking me if I'll text SS and ask him to get in touch with DH. I think DH is caving in the face of no contact from his crappy little d-bag of a son. What would you do? Would you text on behalf of your DH? I don't really have any desire to be put in the middle of all this...but I also do feel for DH.
Gah. I hate toxic BMs who feed their own insecurities and language into their kids' heads for so long. SS and DH have always had a wonderful relationship...DH has always been loving and has done so much for this ingrate and doted on him...and now it's just like listening to BM berate and badger my husband when she'd call in the early days of our marriage. So bizarre. This is really ticking me off. For my own sake, I'd love to never hear from the spoiled brat again...but I hate to see DH hurting.
PS - I mentioned in my other post that the email he sent to DH's parents "sounded just like BM" Well. During the course of this phone call it came out that BM did, in fact, write the email. From her phone...which is connected to SS's gmail account. BM is also a user on all his social media and has access to his bank account. Talk about enmeshment. I guess if she manages everything for SS, he can go right from being an irresponsible mama's boy to being an irresponsible husband without missing a beat.
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I would NOT get in the middle
I would NOT get in the middle of it. DH can write SS a letter and send it snail mail. Or drive over there and deliver it. Or set up another email account and email SS. Or dial *69 so his number is blocked.
I would make those suggestions and that's as far as I'd get to "in the middle".
Those are good suggestions -
Those are good suggestions - I'll tell DH.
I did already tell him that *if* I agree to text SS for him, I want full immunity if things go south and SS gets upset with me. He laughed...but I am dead serious. DH tends to have this rosy view that all the skids like me and couldn't possibly not like me. He's leaned on me before to be the mediator. For the most part, he's right...they do like me and I'm good at talking to them when I choose to do so. But I know how quickly things can get out of hand in step situations and then I'm the only one left out in the cold.
Agree do not get involved in this
Because, Because, Because it will be all your fault. They all will kiss and make up and you will be left out
Yep. This is my fear exactly.
Yep. This is my fear exactly.
I wouldn’t get in the middle
I wouldn’t get in the middle either. SS likely just needs to cool down & will come around on his own when he’s ready.
As far as anyone helping SS financially in the future though, I genuinely hope they all stay firm on telling him no. His behaviour was deplorable. I still feel sick for his grandparents shelling out 3500 for an apartment that’s now sitting empty (I’m assuming it’s empty?) all because the prince wanted to live with his new bestie. How spoiled/entitled/horrible can you be?
As bad as your DH feels right now, this is a great lesson for both him & SS. The more he chases his son the more the lesson will be lost on him. This kid needs a dose of reality & your DH needs to remain firm. I can’t see SS shutting him out forever (at least I’d hope he wouldn’t). If they’ve always had a wonderful relationship, at some point SS is going to want to talk to his dad.
You're probably right.
You're probably right.
The thing is, SS has always been a fairly good kid...grateful, kind, etc. But he's also proud and stubborn (he gets this from his mom for sure) and he seems to have become more proud and stubborn in the past few years.
My read on this? He actually knows he's in the wrong but he's completely enmeshed with BM and wrapped around her finger...so he did it to make her happy. Now he feels bad about his behavior and letting his dad/grandparents down...but he also feels trapped in the middle. He can't admit he did anything wrong, because that would be admitting that his mother steered him wrong...and she's running his whole life right now. So he gets defensive instead.
I really dislike that woman and the way she continually poisons her kids, even from a distance.
It’s so, so hard to sit back
It’s so, so hard to sit back & watch a parent ruin their child. Or put them in the middle, the way BM here has done.
I really do think (and hope) SS will come around. My DH has a falling out with his dad a while back, and they’ve always been close (this was my FIL’s doing in this case however). My DH refused to speak to him. They went from talking nearly daily to nothing for nearly a year.
To this day my FIL hasn’t apologized, and he won’t, but my DH missed his dad & decided to put it past him & they’re back to regular communication. I’m hoping for your DH & SS’s sake they’ll have a similar outcome, but your DH knows his kid far better than I ever will & needs to do what he thinks is best, absolutely.
It’s genuinely such a shame when a parent needs to interfere inappropriately to the detriment of their child.
I agree.
I agree.
And I don't think I'm just projecting, here. I do think this is 100% BM...and SS for being unable to tell her no. She whined about this apartment not being "good enoiugh" for SS from day one. She sent 5 or 6 more expensive options to DH and his parents (honestly, the nerve) and was frustrated when they went with their original choice anyway.
To be fair, it isn't the nicest apartment. It is run-down...used to be a resort-style apartment/condo complex but it's definitely seen better days. But...we chose it because: 1.) it's less than a mile from the school, and 2.) they gave a discount for paying a semester at a time. Also. How much did a 19-year-old moving out on his own for the first time really need.
Anyway, she's been complaining about the apartment off and on ever since. DH and I went down there the weekend before SS moved and stayed at the apartment ourselves to set it up for him...thoroughly cleaned it, rearranged some of the furniture to better suit SS (oh yeah...that's another reason we chose it...it was furnished), bought a bunch of staples and some other household items...and put in hooks and hung a bike (that we bought) for SS to find when he moved in. BM just continued to complain.
SS was initially thrilled with the apartment and loved having his own place...but over the past year-and-a-half we noticed that every time we saw him he was feeling more dissatisfied with it and had ever-increasing complaints. When we told him: "Email your landlord about that and they'll fix it" he just kind of scoffed and told us..."they don't care about this place anymore...they aren't going to do anything."
This "wonderful opportunity" that SS stumbled upon to move out without telling his grandparents, wasting their money in the process, and spending his own money when he had been living rent-free...was 100% orchestrated by BM. I WISH this guy he's moving in with was his "bestie" but, in reality, he's just some guy from his mom's church who SS had never met until this past Thanksgiving when his mom introduced them. Good luck with that, SS.
So...congrats BM. SS is now paying good money to live with someone he doesn't know at a place that's 20-30 minutes from his school without traffic. And has managed to anger his incredibly generous grandparents in the process. Major score!
These enmeshed late
These enmeshed late adolescent MEN and their mothers. *shudder*.
My SS19 is just like this with BM, I'm sure she has access to everything of his, including his brain. I can't help but feel there is an underlying sexual component to these relationships too - may not be acted on, but it MUST be there, they are so like partners. It's gross.
Anyway, I wouldn't get in the middle. When my DH thinks SS has blocked him, he gets a "burner" number somehow that shows instead of his number when he texts. For the record, SS doesn't block him, he just gets off on ignoring him, but at least DH knows he's gotten through with these fake numbers, because SS usually answers.
Yep. It's really gross.
Yep. It's really gross.
SS is about to be 21 and has never had a girlfriend. Both of his sisters make fun of him for "dating" mom...and one time we went over there on a Friday night to drop something off (this is when SS and YSD were still in high school) and YSD was out with friends...but BM and SS were home watching a movie together...and BM had her feet up on SS's lap. She quickly sat up when she saw us at the door...and I swear it felt as awkward as walking in on a couple making out.
We left and DH said that he felt so sad to see his son sitting at home with his mom on a Friday night. Yeah...you're right. It's totally gross.
Blech. I’d vomit in my mouth
Blech. I’d vomit in my mouth if I saw that. My 6’2 hairy- chested SS being so enmeshed with his Mommy is incestuous, and so disappointing for DH. I’m sure it makes BM feel yummy though.
My husbands bio mum has brainwashed
their daughters, they word for word talk her crap, nothing comes out of their mouth that is their own thinking and these are 14 & 22 yr old girls that bio mum palmed off the minor to sd22 to care for the past 2 yrs behind hubbies back because she suffered an imaginary illness of not being able to work that no specialists or xray could see anything beyond the perfect health she had
well the kids use the same narcissistic manipulative gultong tactic going dead silent for weeks months and hubby had to always message how they were, what you had for dinner but they could never make an effort to initiate or maintain contact, hubby simply wasn’t important despite him giving them an allowance to live comfortably
so i asked hubby why do that? All you do is buy their temporary attention but there is no respect or love they have for you, their behaviour clearly shows that and when they speak or message you its excuse after pathetic excuse, answering back and responding rudely.
I asked him if you didn’t message them for a week or 2, would they even contact you? He knew the answer to that so he one dad when ss20 was coming back from uni, calls his dad 2pm on a friday asking daddy pick him up from uni immediately when he can use uber capably as before, his dad runs a whole bank, ss knew in advance when he’d finish uni but chose to message daddy last minute to guilt him to drop everything for him. Hubby told him to get an uber ride home and that he was to behave and say hi to me and he would have to spend time with our 2 kids (his half siblings aged 1.5 & 3) and babysit them on weekends.
guess what happened? No reply and he never came home. Under normal circumstances hubby would call and message him to ask why he hasn’t arrived home but hubby had enough!! He ignored him, came home to a wife that had cooked a lovely dinner, had an intimate time with her. 2 weeks later ss says he is so stressed our from his imaginary stress syndrom at being asked to be a respectful decent well mannered human and he needs more time... mind you he’s had 4 yrs, hubby wasn’t having any of this bullshit and said no, hubby was actually having a full on fight and argument woth him on the phone and realised then his kid has been playing and manipulating him all along.
Well 2.5 months goes by no message from his 3 kids with ex except when needing favours and hubby went along with his life. The daughters went silent when hubby last told them their imaginary happy family time alone demanding to meet outside when they are perfectly capable of coming to our home was done as he could see they were intentionally excluding us with no care that we are part of hubbys family.
hubby does go to family weddings etc with his kids but i refuse to attend because i know our supposed direct trip turns into revolving around them like hubby is intentionally putting me and our kids in an uncomfortable situation we want to avoid.
he is starting to see the light but theres a lot of work still to be done
my feeling is if they are not decent, respectful and behave/participate as active members of our family, they are at the bottom of our priority regarding quality family time and we will not drop everything at a moments notice for them or change our plans for them everytime as they expect. Theres a bit of a power struggle now with them doing the same manipulation/guilt tactics that they learnt from bio mum but ss is scared shitless because he realised his time was up. His bullshit would no longer be tolerated and he lost privileges of locking his bedroom door and hubby would come in unannounced and this will not change until he has earnt the respect for his privacy and bedroom privileges again and he was forcibly made to spend time with our kids and sit outside. He did sometimes stay on sofa by himself on the phone but the thing thats changed is he came out and interacted a bit more. Its taken over 4 yrs to get here or 10 yrs after his parents divorce but it took 1 moment for hubby to lay down the law forcibly and say enough is enough.
Next issue now is sd22, gets a $1000 monthly allowance from hubby, she just got her fulltime graduate job last week courtesy of hubbys contacts despite her unacceptable pathetic performance at interview that should have excluded her. Hubby told me last month he’s cutting her off financially cold turkey. One day soon he will just say i am no longer giving you an allowance as you have a fulltime job so you better work your arse off and save your money to survive just like the rest of the world does. This is the same daughter who lectured daddy that he had a responsibility to pay child support allowance to her as a 22 yr old, hubby said when he retired he wouldn’t but as long as he has a good job and can afford to he was happy to help a bit but really he wants to cut her off cold turkey, the hissy fot that follows after and the typical hubby abandoned them for me and our 2 kids will no doubt come up to which hubby can easily lay the facts that the girls ran away and cut off contact for 5 yrs and abandoned him, he met a lovely woman and had some more kids with her and these 2 minors are financially his responsibility until they are adults just like minor 14 yr old daughter with exwife...
Yeah. These skids are unreal.
Yeah. These skids are unreal.
Fortunately, both girls are really good to their dad now and like to call and hang out just because. OSD was alienated in her teens (like...15-18 or so) but she came around as soon as she moved out of BM's house and on her own. I think she developed a new-found respect at that point.
It's sad because SS has always had a good relationship with DH until recently. It's like whichever kid is most enmeshed with BM starts to hate on DH. I'm happy to say...DH wasn't having any of SS's weird guilt-trip and told him so. And he hasn't had a weird meltdown about it like he might have in the past. DH told me..."I have a great life that I love, a good marriage...I'm pursuing work that I love...I'm not going to let the insane expectations of a 20-year-old derail my happiness. I've worked too hard to get to where I am."
But. We're going down near where SS lives this week for a conference...and I think that has DH sad and wishing SS would respond to him.