Living in a daymare.
Hello all..My name is Shannon.I am 39 years old.I have been a full time stepmother for almost 14 years to my husbands two sons 20 and 22.The 20 year old turned out to be really awesome and I'm proud of him he is in the Navy in Italy having the time of his life and we have a wonderful relationship so much so that he calls me every Sunday and we talk for hours.The 22 year old is and has always been a lazy,arrogant,self entitled,searing pain in my ass since the inception of my marriage.From day one he was impossible with the fits,the mean spirit.We couldn't ever enjoy anything as a family not even board games because if he didnt win hed throw a fit.I tried to bond with him and was always pushed away.I was called"stupid and told that he hated me.He is now 22.Has never had a job ,doesnt want a job because hes "worried he will be stuck in a routine" yes he actually said that the other day.. and hes still living with us with his only accomplishment being at level 10k of whatever video games hes playing.I have tried everything to help him get his act together.Nothing has worked.I am almost 40 and I feel the sting of everything I have given up and continue to give up due to his ominous presence every time I look at his pasty face.He is lazy beyond measure.Seriously lazy He will do nothing unless you are on his ass and quite frankly I do not have it in me any more to live like this.Telling a 22 year old man child to clean up his room and shower.I want to be happy and I deserve to be happy.I want him out of our home.I raised my husbands kids.I even adopted them to protect them from their junkie mother.I want my own life and a child of my own before it's too late,if it's not already.My husband harbors the guilt that their mother left them when they were young (she met a man online and became a drug addict so shes never had contact since she left)so he has always let his son do nothing and coddles him.His grandparents have also coddled him for his entire life.I have actually lived through some real life horrors growing up and I just have no empathy for this kid if hes got a chip on his shoulder and uses the "mommy left"card to avoid doing anything productive.Time to grow thee f-up sir!Hes had a good life,a better life than most and certainly better than mine ever was.I fear that I will be stuck with him living here forever because my husband doesnt have it in him to force him to be accountable and there will come a day when I decide that my happiness is more important than SS laziness and I pack my things and run.I am at that point.My husband said if we kick him out he has no place to go.I say hes 22 it's not our problem.He can go to his grandmas if they will have him but he cant stay here and do nothing any longer and I'm tired of babysitting a manbaby.Anyone else going through this?He has been the sole source of all of our arguments for 14 years.He is destroying our marriage and my well being.I wake up resentful,I go to bed resentful.Every time I see his slobby ass walking around in his wrinkled attire I want to slap his face.I feel as though I served a 14 year sentence for a crime I did not commit and there is no restitution in sight.I am so utterly desperate that I made a vision board and his moving out is on it.I want to pee with the door open.Have unmuffled relations with my husband whenever and wherever I so please in my house.Sleep know all the things adults do when they dont have someone else living in THEIR house.I had a tallk with my other SS last Sunday about SS laziness and he said it's because "dad doesnt give consequences or make him stick with anything and everyone has always babied him"hes absolutely right.How can I wake my husband up?
Welp, you adopted him, so he
Welp, you adopted him, so he's your son, too.
Immediately, he begins doing chores in the house. Give him a fair deadline to get a job, then give him a fair deadline to start paying rent, then give him a fair deadline to get out of the house. Stick to them, and if your husband doesn't like it, he can go too. Be firm but supportive. He probably has depression and anxiety but he'd rather just bury his head in a game and not face it, so you and DH will have to do the work.
He's textbook Failure to Launch, and he needs you and his father to push him.
That's the issue.I give him
That's the issue.I give him guidelines and hubby undermines them.He told SS the other day that he will always have a place here to crash and that he will always pay his cell phone bill even if hes 40!
Ask DH
What is going to happen to this kid when you are not around? DH is not doing him any favors. If kees needs conseling, help him get it. I cannot beleive this has gotten to 22 with dad not trying to resolve.
Then it sounds like your
Then it sounds like your husband is your biggest problem. He's enabling the behavior. Guilty parents don't raiseraise respon adults.
Whoa. That's insane.
Whoa. That's insane.
Then give them both notice to leave, or you leave.
He can't stay unless you let
He can't stay unless you let him. Regardless of what DH says or things. As for the cell phone bill. Just cancel the account and get one in your name only. When they open a new account that goes unpaid.... don't let them use your phone.
Keep it simple. G
Good luck.
As stated Many, Many times
here before. You don't have a skid problem... you have a husband not parenting/guilty daaaaaddddeeeeee problem.
If you adopted them then they
If you adopted them then they are your children so why are you referring to them as stepkids?
Because I did not give birth
Because I did not give birth to them getting a piece of paper did not change the dynamics.I am still resented as and seen as stepmom.
Thank you!The younger boy was
Thank you!The younger boy was always receptive to me and let me help him with things.Came to me for advice etc.He was always very responsible and all around a good kid.I am very proud of him.I know I need to make a decision and if hubby doesnt get on board and start getting him on track I'm going to have to get away for my own well being.
How old were they when you
How old were they when you adopted them? Just curious. I have been my SS-26's dad since before he was 2yo. He asked me adopt him when he was 22. We made that happen.
He dealt with and left the drama of his biopaternal clan behind when he was in his late teens and early 20s.
We are very close.
The oldest was just about to
The oldest was just about to be 9 and the youngest was 7 words. words.
Sorry your going thru this.
Time to reclaim ownership of
Time to reclaim ownership of your home. You want a baby and your clock is ticking so go for it. Have wild noisy sex with your husband. You want your baby-making to be memorable, don't you? It doesn't matter if SS hears (repeat until you stop feeling bad about it). He's an adult, a groan-up (not a typo
), and should know that adult couples have sex. It's my opinion he might won't survive the sleepless nights when the baby comes.
Also have a long talk with your husband (somewhere neutral like a restaurant) about getting the son to pull his weight and to stop treating him like a baby or he wil NEVER launch. Maybe also ask him if that's his plan ...
Why would she have a baby
Why would she have a baby with this jackass of a man who doesn't care about her?
To make a baby or not to make
To make a baby or not to make a baby aside.... couples should be intimate and unwelcome adult kids should not negatively influence the intimacy between the couple.
Get your freak on. Full volume, high frequency, anywhere in your home at any time. SS will pack in a hurry.
And... you and DH will have some fun.
Sadly I know people who didn
Sadly I know people who didn’t move out of their parents house till 30. I know someone who’s 37 and still lives with her parents. In these days some kids never leave until they get married or find cool people to live with. One day he may want his own privacy then he’ll leave.