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were skids at your wedding?

rubia's picture

mine wern't. i had met and spent time wiyh them not so much the oldest (sd15 at the time). she hated me at first and i can't remember if she stopped hating me before or after the wedding, but i think it was before.

i wish they could have been there, but i know it wouldn't have been good. it would have been a perfect day excpet that i know dh was sad for the kids and also none of his family or friends came.

the kids did have the choice to come, but chose not to
(they were 15, 12, 9, and 4 at the time). we were only together 1 yr at the time we got married. i had thought we should wait longer to get married and even move in together (which we did at 5mos) but my therapist said if we waited for the kids approval on any of this, it would never happen.

TheWife's picture

My SD7 (at the time) was the flower girl.


"If it sounds like I think I am better than you, it's because I do."

Marie09's picture

Nope! NO one was there. DH & I eloped and got married. We didnt want the drama of a wedding and we wanted the day to be about us solely. If we had a wedding, the boys would've been ring bearers and I could've seen it now. They would've been hanging on him for attention the whole thank you!

We were suppose to have a reception/celebration when we got back but that never happened. We were thinking of celebrating on our one year but I honestly dont feel like dealing with! Or the kids for that matter. We will want to have fun and the day would be about us but yet they'd be hanging all over him the whole time so

Amazed's picture

SD was there and so was my son. It wasn't that big a deal. We included them in the ceremony at the end and SD got to dress like a mini princess for the day...I figured, she already acts like she's royalty,she may as well get to dress the part for a day.

We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are. ~Anaïs Nin

JMC's picture

No way! DH & I got married in Jamaica. Like Marie09, we didn't want the drama & theatrics from either family. SD18 (then 16) wished our plane would crash on the way to Jamaica - isn't she lovely? We did have a reception two weeks after we returned (SD18 refused to attend) and everyone had a blast.

rubia's picture

Almost all of his family lives in Mexico. The only family he had here at the time were:

2 cousins who live near us
his brother and his family who live about 13 hours away

Then he had invited one guy-his friend for a long time who works with him and I think that was it.

I think they had all said they were coming, but the ones who live near us don't have cars and there is no public transportation near where the wedding was. These people have no idea how to plan for anything and the whole night before and even while DH and I were driving to our wedding, he was on the phone with them trying to figure out how to get them here. His brother said he was soming, but at the last minute, he never came. I think he might have been having problems with his wife because they separated soon after that.

I remember at the wedding, my mom asking me if they didn't come because they didn't like me or didn't want us to get married. I always remember that and it really hurt me.

Storm76's picture

We've not done it yet, but the plan is to elope somewhere just the two of us (possibly the Caribbean or Sri Lanka) so it's just about the two of us. However, to appease the families when we get back we're probably going to get a blessing done followed by a big party.

"God never gives us more than we can cope with, I just wish he didn't have such faith in me!"

Elizabeth's picture

No. When DH told SD he and I were getting married, she said she wanted to attend so that when the pastor said, "If anyone objects, let them speak now or forever hold their peace," she was going to stand up and object. No way I would let that happen!

DH objected so vigorously to us getting married, DH considered postponing the wedding. I told DH that if he didn't go through with it on OUR timetable (not SD's), it wouldn't happen at all. I would walk away, and they could go back to being just the two of them (DH and SD).

DH and I "eloped" as well. It was a destination wedding for just us, and two of my family members came and were our witnesses.

bioandstep2009's picture

My daughter and SS10 were both at the wedding, in the wedding party and part of the ceremony.