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Just a little story...

fairyo's picture

One day a woman goes for a walk down a country lane- it is a lovely sunny day and she is happy to look at the view but she wishes she just had that special someone to share it with. A few minutes later a man comes walking towards her and it is as if all her wishes had come true...

He is handsome, funny, caring, intelligent and very, very sexy. She cannpt believe her luck and they begin to walk together down the sunlit path, sharing their pleasure at the view and the sights to come further down the way. They make plans for what they will do in their future life together and everything is wonderful.

After a while she begins to notice that every so often he looks back over his shoulder- at first very quickly but soon he is doing it more often and then she realises she is losing his attention.

'What is the matter?' she asks, 'Is it anything I can help you with?' But he says he hasn't noticed and they carry on walking a little further.  Soon, he begins to do it again and she tells him it is starting to annoy her, ever so slightly. If he would keep his eyes on the road ahead and not keep looking back, she tells him, they will get to where they are going much more quickly.

For a while they carry on as before, but soon he is doing it again, and he is starting to slow down because he is looking back more and more. Eventually she turns to see what is bothering him and is shocked at what she sees. There is an enormous pile of shit in the road, something he must have been standing in front of when she first saw him, and she had been so busy looking at his gorgeous face she hadn't noticed what he'd left behind.

'Is that your shit?' She asked him,and he said it was partially his, but not all of it- some of it was put there by his ex-wife.

By now she didn't want to let his man go, so she suggests they go clear up the shit together- she would help him all she can but she will only help with his shit, not that that belongs to his ex-wife.

So they walk back together and the weather is less sunny and lovely but she wants to help him and he seems to appreciate this.

However, when they get closer they notice that his ex is behind the pile and piling more and more shit on top of it. Then there are some kids there too, and as they start to clear the shit together they realise the kids, who had offered to help him, were really just shovelling their mom's shit from the back to the front, and it was getting all mixed up so they didn't know which was his and which was his ex-wife's.

She still loved him though, and kept on trying to clear the mess until she realised that he wasn't working quite as hard, in fact he seemed to be helping the kids instead of her, or himself. She told him about this and he seemed to listen but after a while he started doing it again. She then began to notice that some of the stuff was being thrown at her- just a bit at first and then more and more hitting her in the face.

'They are throwing shit at me!' She told him, and he seemed upset and told them to stop- but after a while it started again. She became more angry with him and eventually shouted at him that he was allowing it to happen and she was sick of having dirt thrown in her face when all she was doing was trying to help. To her horror he then began to throw some at her, only a little at first, but then she lost her balance and realised that they were all throwing shovelfuls of the stuff at her and soon she would be buried beneath it. Her marvelous man, his ex-wife and all his kids carried on despite her protestations.

'Listen' she said, eventually. getting to her feet and knocking the stuff from her clothes, 'this is not my shit and I'm not clearing up anymore of it.'  She then threw down her spade, wiped down her dirty clothes, and went walking away back down the lane. The sun began to shine again; and she declared that if she ever met another man on her way- she would look behind him to see how big a pile of shit he was hiding from her...

Of course, the part of the woman could easily be played just as much by a man...



thinkthrice's picture


Exjuliemccoy's picture

Love this, Fairy! 

It sums up dysfunctional baggage perfectly.

blayze's picture

Thank you so much for this! Perfectly describes the struggle. *muah 

Harry's picture

Are dysfunctional to some extent.  They can not control there lifes for 18 years, to bring up there kids together. They can not stay home and not have affair.  Can not control how they spend money, can’t be a good person. Just for 18 odd years.  Then they blame everybody else but themselves. Or if they still have something going with the EX , EX is not blamed also.  It’s the new SO who has nothing to do with there old marriage.

New SO must do everything old SO never did.  New SO must stand on there head, even though old SO didn’t. If they don’t everything is new persons falt. 

CLove's picture

I think it is called!!!! Kind of like when a spouse realizes their partner is having an affair or losing interest for some strange reason, they kill themselves trying to be the best everything. So they will be picked above whatever is taking their attention.

Sick and twisted.

Yes, it is dysfunction waiting to happen. We walk into things that are broken trying to "fix it". So they will "pick us".

CLove's picture

And this person who walks away from the shit, are they a "shit disturber", or a "shit taker-no-more"?